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Anti-Trans Missouri A.G. Can Now Access Trans People’s Medical Records | The New Republic
A St. Louis judge has ruled that Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is entitled to Planned Parenthood’s transgender care records, ordering the nonprofit to turn over some of its most sensitive files to the man who has built his unelected political career on restricting health care access for trans people.

#trans #transgender #Hate #Missouri #AndrewBailey #HIPAA
I'll post some, ahem, cutting humor in regards to the real killer's passing in a minute—but first...

In Memory of Nicole Brown Simpson – Evergreen Review

Nicole Simpson went to many experts on domestic violence for help but none of them stopped him. That’s what it takes: the batterer has to be stopped. He will not stop himself. He has to be imprisoned, or killed, or she has to escape and hide, sometimes for the rest of her life, sometimes until he finds another woman to “love.” There is no proof that counseling the batterer stops him.…

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

I stopped at the gas station this morning and one of the clerks (who knew I was trans and had had top surgery) revealed that she was going to get her boobs done.

And she asked me who my surgeon was, so she could go there too.

I'm pretty sure that that's what victory sounds like.

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in reply to Doc Ranma Saotome

Do questions like that bother you? I kinda had the same question, but was worried it would seem invasive and creepy to actually ask...
in reply to Stormy Dragon :apostate:

@StormyDragon Not in the least! I love my boobs, and as long as people aren't leering at me I'm very happy to talk to folks about them. 😊

Ask away!

in reply to Doc Ranma Saotome

Well, who was you surgeon? Or since they're likely far afield for me, how does one go about finding a similar surgeon in their area?

Given the pressure to go smaller, how do you distinguish "actually too big" from "just right but society doesn't want me to think so"?

If someone is worried about career impacts, do you have any advice?

in reply to Stormy Dragon :apostate:

Mine was Don Revis, Jr. of South Florida Plastic Surgery Associates. He's phenomenal, specializes in big damn tiddies, and is great with transfems.

Realself is a great place to look--but almost all of the best top surgeons are in LA or south FL.

I tested with breast forms and rice sizers, but ultimately you need to follow your heart. That last bit was incredibly tough for me, because I was afraid big time of job impacts. None have come--to paraphrase CJ, I'm already a trans--

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in reply to Doc Ranma Saotome

--woman. The tits hardly enter into it as career impacts go, regardless of size. And besides, they legally can't say a thing, because it'd be sexual harassment.

If your heart calls out to get giant boobs, and you can manage the financial and practical part of it, I honestly say go for it, and as big as you dream. Nobody's gonna hate you for your tits who didn't already hate you for being trans.

in reply to Doc Ranma Saotome

@StormyDragon Also also, feel free to DM me if you have questions you're not sure you want out in public. 😊
in reply to Doc Ranma Saotome

Something something merely by existing, trans women create space for cis(?) women to question patriarchal assumptions.

Maybe. I dunno.

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

I find myself wishing people CW’d transphobic news. Lots of folks are on fedi specifically to escape the constant transphobic drone of mainstream socials and news. The fact that news is significant just offers more reason to CW it. Not all of us can or want to be politically engaged.

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in reply to Julia

Fun fact: that's covered under our Server Rule #10
Unknown parent

@Megan thanks, is no biggy. Just having a particularly overwhelming day 💜

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

"It’s so clear that he has never had a real position on abortion, the whole Roe v. Wade thing was just a bone he threw to the yapping fundamentalists, he has to squint to get the names of the Supreme Court justices right even to thank them."

~ Lucian K. Truscott

#Trump #abortion #RoevWade

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Unknown parent

William Lindsey :toad:
@AppleFanboy @dbc3 😀 Looks too intelligent and human to be Gaetz!
Unknown parent

NYT fact checks what has come out of Trump's mouth on the campaign trail: distortion and outright lies

Unlocked gift article - because this is important.

Since the beginning of his political career, Donald J. Trump has misled, mischaracterized, dissembled, exaggerated and, at times, flatly lied. His flawed statements about the border, the economy, the coronavirus pandemic and the 2020 election have formed the bedrock of his 2024 campaign.
Though his penchant for bending, and often breaking, the truth has been well documented, a close study of how he does so reveals a kind of technique to his dishonesty: a set of recurring rhetorical moves with which Mr. Trump fuels his popularity among his supporters.…

in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

Again. We fucking knew he was a liar in 2016, and now this is 'oh, whoa, he's been lying all this time'????

WAKE UP. DO YOUR JOB - which is not to be stenographers, but to report the FACTS.

Now we know how Hitler did it - Raw Story
The New York Times reports that Trump is planning to “build huge camps to detain people,” and “to get around any refusal by Congress to appropriate the necessary funds, Mr. Trump would redirect money in the military budget.”
How many people? “Millions” writes the Times. And not just immigrants: Trump is planning to send his enemies to them, too.

#Trump #MAGA #Dictatorship #DetentionCamps

Idaho Bans Health Care Coverage for Transgender Adults - Metro Weekly
Idaho Republican Gov. Brad Little signed a bill into law prohibiting Medicaid and state employee health plans from covering the cost of gender-affirming medications and procedures for low-income transgender adults and minors.

#Idaho #transphobia #trans #transgender #Hate #GOP #GQP

in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

There's no strategy. He's just an asshole who can't self-govern. This is worse than the 'Obama is a chess grandmaster' style of reporting.

DJT is a fucking idiot and likely has dementia.

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

Janel Diaz - "It should not matter to you how I dress, what I choose to wear, how I choose to express myself. It should not make you angry how I'm living my life," Diaz says. "That's what makes me want to fight so much more for the cause, for my organization Capital Tea being here in the Bible Belt."

In Florida, Capital Tea sets out to protect trans rights : NPR

#trans #transgender #TransRightsAreHumanRights #Florida #JanelDiaz

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Transgender Day of Visibility

Today is the #TransgenderDayOfVisibilty. Tell the #trans people in your life that they are important, and that you support them just as they are.

And to my siblings who, for whatever reason, cannot live openly and visibly, you are valid and loved, on this and every day.

ID: Blue, pink, and white starburst pattern. In the white area, black text, after trans symbol, says:



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Texas Appeals Court Upholds Rulings Blocking State from Investigating Trans Youth and Their Families | ACLU of Texas
The Texas Court of Appeals, Third District, today upheld injunctions in two related cases against the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) and former Commissioner Jaime Masters, barring them from implementing the agency’s rule expanding the definition of child abuse to presumptively treat the provision of gender-affirming care as child abuse.

#trans #transgender #ProtectTransKids

New selfie

ID: Janet, with dark blonde hair, blue cowl neck blouse, and gold necklace and dangle earrings.

OTD in 2009

I made my first announcement to my closest friends that I was #trans. It was on a social media site known as LiveJournal, which many of you have likely never heard of. I migrated off of that site years ago. You can see that post now on my blog at . It's no longer locked.

Barbara and I had discussed me making that post in advance, and she was supportive. This was my first attempt at transition. Then in August of 2009, she went back into the hospital, and I detransitioned to be able to care for her. Back then, we feared I wouldn't be able to be with her as Janet. After she passed in 2010, I grieved for a long time. Then I restarted transition and have lived as Janet since.

#transgender #MyStory #TimeFlies

LGBTQ+ Feed reshared this.

in reply to Bob Lai

That's one I'm not familiar with. Are you also familiar with InsaneJournal? I mirrored LiveJournal over there after the Russian take-over of LiveJournal.
in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

No, I'd briefly been on LJ - not long enough to have significant history.

Just over a month ago, I made a huge change in my life. I did that in order to feel safe again. And to bottom line that: I do absolutely feel safe, and loved, and cared for.

Continued at site.

#QuickUpdate #Relocation #Therapy #Trans #Transgender #spoonie #ActuallyAutistic

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

I think most people would object to forcing women to wear skirts. Beating up girls who do unladylike things like dancing or calculus. Many can even see how silly it is to tease a boy for enjoying painting more than sports.

Most* get this.

What I don't understand is how it isn't obvious that transphobia is the exact same impulse.

There is no "reasonable" amount of transphobia you can tolerate without also supporting rigid harmful gender norms in general. 1/

in reply to myrmepropagandist

wow. I hadn't thought of that 😢 … all girls might feel pressure to dress like "real"** girls, to avoid harrassment? 😡 #grrr

** I.e. M∆G∆ evangelical girls

Wait, I know: what if they all just wore a uniform? That'd be so much simpler …

in reply to myrmepropagandist

People, on the whole and by and large, DO support rigid harmful gender norms.

The norms have been expanded some, so that women can wear pants (but watch the utter unspeakable freakout if a woman should get married in pants) but unevenly and not really that much. The idea of norms, that there must be a norm and it must be enforced, is alive and well and receives its regular tithe of human sacrifices.

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.


I may have bought my first miniskirt.

I like it. I'm a little shy about it yet.

A dad made a TikTok about seeing a trans woman. His kid made it lovely. - LGBTQ Nation
A father has shared on TikTok how emotional it was to see a transgender woman living out and proud in a small Texas town. While his supportive video is touching, his son’s enthusiastic support steals the moment.

#trans #transgender #ally #TikTok

Listen to Owasso Students, Not Chaya Raichik or Taylor Lorenz — Assigned
An environment in which it is permissible for a student to be violently beaten and later die without school officials so much as reporting the incident to police is not created overnight. It does not come to be over the course of a single month. It’s been fomenting for years, and the voices I want to hear from and uplift in the wake of Nex’s death are those of the young people who have endured that nightmare firsthand.

#trans #transgender #NexBenedict #Hatred

Richelle Sparrow reshared this.

in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

I drove past Owasso twice today. I thought I had forgot to cry, but the rain poured. They were all I could think about today.

And that astonishingly grossly callous superintendent who can only think about himself and his pit of cold hate. If Nex was a commissioned law enforcement officer, the bullies would have been immediately behind bars without bail for murder.

in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

@𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕒 🏳️‍⚧️

😢💜 Blessed be.

I cry for them, and all of our youth like them. I fear for all of us. I fear that we may yet live to see what the Christofascists want for us become reality.

On Friday, Resolve: The National Infertility Association announced that nationwide embryo shipping services have indicated that they will stop transporting embryos in and out of Alabama.


I said what I said.

And a heart-felt "Fuck you" to everyone who told me in 2016 that I was overreacting. Yes, that's a meme. I don't care. I feel it in my bones. I cried the night they called that election for Trump. I cried myself to sleep.

"I told you so" is too gentle, too subtle.

'Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing" '

#USPol #Trump #Fascism #Dementia #authoritarianism #evil

GoFundMe: Eric Layton needs help with his roof

This situation has persisted too long. If you know @V. T. Eric Layton, then you know what a kind caring person he is. He’s been using buckets to try to catch rain from multiple leaks, to the point of now having water standing in his home regularly during rain storms. In Tampa, where the climate is sub-tropical, and rain is very heavy, particularly in the upcoming wet season. Please consider making a contribution to help him get roof repair / replacement before the wet season.

Tampa has a pronounced wet season, receiving a yearly average of about 30 inches (760 mm) of rain from June to September

Climate of the Tampa Bay area - Wikipedia

I have been made aware of the office phone number of Oklahoma Senator Tom Woods. I recommend filling up his voicemail.


CPAC is more than a little scary

“Welcome to the end of democracy!” Posobiec declared. “We’re here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on January 6th, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here,” he said, holding his fist in the air. “That’s right, because all glory is not to government, all glory to God.”…

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

I am fully infertile.

I want to get that out of the way up front, because it's true. I have no dog in the fight.

But I want to state, unequivocally and clearly, that I stand with those who have the equipment for giving birth on the topic of abortion, and IVF, and any other power grabs the right comes up with to control the bodies of birthing people.

For me, it's an issue we as trans people should be fighting as hard for as we fight for our own direct issues. Bodily autonomy applies. It's the same basic issue motivating both anti-trans and anti-abortion campaigners: control of others' bodies.

When we fight for abortion access, we are indirectly and directly still fighting for trans people. We're fighting for trans masc and AFAB enby people to be given full rights over their own bodies. That's the direct path. We're also fighting for the right for all trans people to control our bodies.

So let's stand beside our uterine neighbours, trans women. We are all in the same fight.

in reply to Cait the Autocorrected Carrot Kim Possible reshared this.

Now, the flip side.

Cis women! It's time you stood up with us to fight for trans rights. It's your fight too.

Why? Because it's all about bodily autonomy. Trans people are fighting for the right to control our own bodies. Sound familiar?

It's the same fight, women. We need your help, just as we give ours. We are in the same fight, and should be shoulder to shoulder about both our sets of issues.

The best way to fight fascism is *together*. The more of us fighting, the better our chances of winning.

in reply to Cait the Autocorrected Carrot

I FEEL this but I cant tell you how many times I have attempted to show my alliance only to be shot down because I couldnt possibly understand.........................

I gave up. I simply watch now. Because my desire to be an ally was very often seen as unwelcome.

in reply to Cait the Autocorrected Carrot Wren Archer:bc::trans_heart:🏹 reshared this.

I appreciate this message so much. We need to stand together on "each others" issues, because they are actually the same issue.

If bodily autonomy can be restricted for one group, that means it can also be so for any group. Any time this is threatened, anyone else who could be next needs to speak up.

Since it could be anyone, that means everyone needs to care. I like to think that we could get to a point that most people see these as the same issue and stand together by default.

in reply to Cait the Autocorrected Carrot

What we're up against is the conviction that women are half-persons; a semi-human mechanism that men use to make more men.

If you're a woman who for whatever reason can't or won't submit to that, or anybody else who won't play their assigned part, you aren't a person at all. You are diseased tissue that must be excised from the social body.

The fascists say all this out loud. They are monsters, but they aren't stupid. They have a detailed program, well under way.

Eric Layton needs help with his roof

This situation has persisted too long. If you know @V. T. Eric Layton then you know what a kind caring person he is. He's been using buckets to try to catch rain from multiple leaks, to the point of now having water standing in his home regularly during rain storms. In Tampa, where the climate is sub-tropical, and rain is very heavy, particularly in the upcoming wet season. Please consider making a contribution to help him get roof repair / replacement before the wet season.

Tampa has a pronounced wet season, receiving a yearly average of about 30 inches (760 mm) of rain from June to September

Climate of the Tampa Bay area - Wikipedia

in reply to Ars Technica

“More than 70,000” is technically true, however the total number including cell phone, personal inte, business internet, email, and authentication services provided by AT&T is probably closer to 70 million affected!

Libs of TikTok targeted a district, then a non-binary student was killed on campus
A motive for this killing has not been shared by law enforcement, but we know that schools in Oklahoma have been specifically pushing violent eliminationist rhetoric against transgender and non-binary youth— a fact exemplified by the state’s hiring of Chaya Raichik following her incitements of terror against the state’s schools over LGBTQ+ rights.

#StochasticTerrorism #trans #transgender #LibsOfTikTok #Hatred