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Listen to Owasso Students, Not Chaya Raichik or Taylor Lorenz β€” Assigned
An environment in which it is permissible for a student to be violently beaten and later die without school officials so much as reporting the incident to police is not created overnight. It does not come to be over the course of a single month. It’s been fomenting for years, and the voices I want to hear from and uplift in the wake of Nex’s death are those of the young people who have endured that nightmare firsthand.

#trans #transgender #NexBenedict #Hatred

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in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

I drove past Owasso twice today. I thought I had forgot to cry, but the rain poured. They were all I could think about today.

And that astonishingly grossly callous superintendent who can only think about himself and his pit of cold hate. If Nex was a commissioned law enforcement officer, the bullies would have been immediately behind bars without bail for murder.
