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NYT fact checks what has come out of Trump's mouth on the campaign trail: distortion and outright lies

Unlocked gift article - because this is important.

Since the beginning of his political career, Donald J. Trump has misled, mischaracterized, dissembled, exaggerated and, at times, flatly lied. His flawed statements about the border, the economy, the coronavirus pandemic and the 2020 election have formed the bedrock of his 2024 campaign.
Though his penchant for bending, and often breaking, the truth has been well documented, a close study of how he does so reveals a kind of technique to his dishonesty: a set of recurring rhetorical moves with which Mr. Trump fuels his popularity among his supporters.…

in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

Again. We fucking knew he was a liar in 2016, and now this is 'oh, whoa, he's been lying all this time'????

WAKE UP. DO YOUR JOB - which is not to be stenographers, but to report the FACTS.