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Idaho Bans Health Care Coverage for Transgender Adults - Metro Weekly

Idaho Republican Gov. Brad Little signed a bill into law prohibiting Medicaid and state employee health plans from covering the cost of gender-affirming medications and procedures for low-income transgender adults and minors.

#Idaho #transphobia #trans #transgender #Hate #GOP #GQP

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

Religious nutjobbery. It's not like trans adults/youth don't need healthcare. (In some cases, they need more.) And it's not like healthcare is in limited supply and you have to ration it out to deserving white Christian folk, lest teh gay and brown people take it all.

Misli gammi gra'dil, governor.

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

Why do these assholes fucking care about other people's genders? And no, it has nothing to do with the cost.
in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

What matters is that any person who needs medical care should be able to obtain it at a reasonable cost/co-pay.

That's ALL that matters. Our trans brothers and sisters should be given the same standard of care as the rest of us, without shaming/deadnaming and other affronts to their personhood.

You know, 'When I was ill, you cared for me; when I was hungry, you fed me; when I was in prison, you visited me ...'

Don't fucking tell me your transphobia is because your holy book says so, 'cause 'except for' ain't part of Christ's teachings.

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

It's genocide. Pure and simple. The Christofascists don't want us to exist. They believe they can legislate us out of existence. We won't go that easily.