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You may be aware that there is something called the #Fediverse.

But do you know about all the different types of applications that run on the Fediverse?

I made this visual to give myself and others something to point at when explaining "the big picture".

You may be surprised by how many services beyond Mastodon there are to explore.

Download it for free here and use as you please:

That post also has links to all the different applications.

in reply to Per Axbom Here's a better understanding of the greater fediverse with 3 2-minute videos. You may not be a newby but this is a good explainer for newby's. I personally prefer friendica because I can interact with all the fediverse including diaspora where the G+ refugees went to, as well as the fact that I can filter twitter through it and purge out all the garbage.

reshared this

in reply to anubis2814

You commented with the exact same text on another post of mine 6 hours ago. Do you have an automated reply tool or are you just copy-pasting the same text on multiple posts?
in reply to Per Axbom

Copy paste, I had the hardest time figuring this stuff out so I figured I'd share the info considering the "marketing" and education for these platforms has a budget of zero. Sorry for spamming ya, with so many confused newbies on here trying to help clear some basic things up so they can understand it all.
in reply to Per Axbom

Our software is awesome, and the best part of all? There's still *massive* room for improvement. We could rule the world!
in reply to Per Axbom

Lovely picture, thank you ! Our local FLOSS for Senior Citizens group is meeting tomorrow and i have to explain how Mastodon isn't the whole Fediverse, this is perfect !
in reply to Per Axbom

Does that mean I can federate into one of these other applications with my identity from here?
in reply to Per Axbom

It seems like the fediverse is a lot of what Blockchain promised to be.
in reply to Per Axbom

this is so cool. it feels like the internet felt in the nineties.
in reply to Per Axbom

Thanks, @axbom, helpful!
in reply to Robert W. Gehl

I'm just updating it within an hour. Keep an eye out :)
in reply to Per Axbom

heh, too late! But will get the new version for the next talk. Really helpful illustration!
in reply to Robert W. Gehl

Oh well done. Already used in a talk. I'm impressed 😅
in reply to Per Axbom

this is awesome, thank you!

What, if anything, is the advantage of having accounts on multiple (micro)blog sides like mastodon? I get the purpose of the separate video, music and photo ones, but many of these look at first glance like alternatives to mastodon. Is that the case and it’s just user’s choice/where someone feels most comfortable?
in reply to 🐍 Lex 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Yes I would say it's more often a user preference. They have different interfaces, features and integrations. I understand Friendica for example has a Twitter add-on, and supports the diaspora protocol.
in reply to Per Axbom

nice little overview, thanks! But what does Nextcloud have to do with it …?
in reply to Per Axbom

I love, but do they belong here? Indieweb is sadly not fediverse, etc.
in reply to Hans Gerwitz

It's a fair question. I explained a bit more on the page itself. Fediverse doesn't really exclude commercial actors?

I also think it would be fair to add Wordpress. What would be your take on that?
in reply to Per Axbom

I *assume* there's an ActivityPub plugin for Wordpress, but that's way outside my lane
in reply to Per Axbom

Good question.

If, for example, Twitter and Facebook implements ActivityPub, it is up to the server admins to decide if they will block them or not.

But, as ActivityPub is a protocol (and a webstandard), no one can truly exclude anyone from the Fediverse.

The best (or worse?) that can happen is a particular platform/software includes a block by default, so when all other servers update, they will acquire that block. (It will definitely cause a lot of heated discussions too.)
in reply to Per Axbom

I have version 1.1 of "The many branches of the Fediverse" ready for you. 😄

Thank you to everyone who pitched in with suggestions of improvement (all visible in the thread).

You can download PNG and PDF versions on my blog post, which also has a bit more info and links to the applications.

Download for free and use as you please. Preferably to spread the word about the benefits of federated publishing and local instances. 😊

in reply to Per Axbom

Great! Is the Drupal plugin interesting to add?
in reply to Erik Kemp 🇪🇺

Thanks. Will collect all these in a list for the next version.

I was big on Drupal many years ago. Amazed at how many projects I'm rediscovering.
in reply to Per Axbom

the "indieweb" #drupal module is very versatile. i helped out a very tiny bit on something related #indieweb
in reply to Erik Kemp 🇪🇺

Yeah, I link to the Wikipedia page from the post. My intent is not to have the tree be complete in its coverage, but complete enough to have interesting conversations around it, and use it as a tool for explanation.
in reply to Per Axbom

Lovely! :) I enjoyed reading your thread with @rysiek about licensing too. Thanks again for spending time on designing your wonderful graphic! It makes it easier for us to explain to people that they may think they are just switching from one platform to another, but that they are actually taking a peek into a very different noncommercial ecosystem of interoperable open source platforms designed for wellbeing and connectedness instead of profit :)
in reply to Per Axbom

So, no chance of it becoming an imagemap, or an SVG with hyperlinks to the various platforms? ;-)
in reply to Oblomov

Maybe in some future. I spent soooo many hours on this diagram this past week. 😅

But I guess you could achieve this with the PDF.

in reply to Per Axbom

wonderful! Thank you for your work on this.

However... would you be open to a conversation about the license?

I've done some copyright trainings in the past, and based on my and others' experience I believe that -NC is problematic. And that for most people and works, -SA would be more effective in achieving what they are often trying to achieve through -NC.
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

definitely open to that conversation! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Honestly I was probably a bit too quick when typing that license on the image. I usually have SA I realised!

But I also usually have NC in combination with this. You would suggest not having NC at all? My though when adding this for my blogs is to avoid people making books to sell with my content.
in reply to Per Axbom

right. Thank you for being open to this. Also, I want to very clearly recognize this is of course your art and your decision, and I have no business telling you how to license things! I hope that's obvious, but I feel it needs to be said. :blobuwu:

The problem with NC is that it is vague and undefined. For example: can Wikipedia use an NC-licensed work? Wikipedia is supported by donations, and one *could* argue their use is therefore "commercial" in some sense. So Wikipedia avoids NC.
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

but can I use your NC work on my blog? I blog for fun, and have no money in the game, so this sounds safe. But I also use my blog to promote myself, and sometimes I might get hired to do something based on the contents of it. Is that "commercial"? I don't know.

Imagine an NGO that got grant money to promote the Fediverse. Can they use your fantastic work (with attribution, of course!)? NC does not make it clear, and if I were running that project, I would probably decide not to risk it.
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Valid points. My take was always that it's about the artefact itself. So okay to showcase in commercial settings but not to sell on its own as the reason for charging money. But I see where it can make people hesitate. I'll have a think about it.
in reply to Per Axbom

right. So that's the biggest downside for me. NC makes the work risky to use, and thus it will not be used by projects and in contexts that you might presumably want the work to be used in.

SA solves this better in some ways. For example, no Big Corp would ever take an SA-licensed work and use it in an ad campaign or a product, film, etc, because they would have to release the whole thing under SA. Not gonna happen.

I totally get your "I don't want people to make books with my content"…
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

…but the way I see it (and I do have an SA-licensed blog), if somebody finds a way to monetize my SA-licensed content before I do, good on them!

And there is a reasonable chance they will pay me anyway, so that I produce more of new juicy content for them to publish.

That's obviously a very personal take, but I think it's worth considering.
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

The owner of a work can dual-licensed their original work; or give a separate license for another entity or individual; as long as the license of the original work is retained.

Say a school wants to get a license to include the Fediverse Tree in their text-book, they can close a deal. The original NC licensed work is retained; and only this school, granted with a separate license, can print it for commercial purposes.
in reply to ♾️ Yuki (스노 雪亮) 🐬 🦣

yes, as has already been noted elsewhere in this thread, CC licenses are non-exclusive.

But that's *still* plenty friction and potential risk for whoever wants to use the work.

Instead of just using the work to teach the kids, the teacher must now *first* reach out to the author and receive a specific license. They also must *know* this is an option. They also must know how to do get in touch with the author. They also must wait for the response (unclear how long).

in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Correct. But that's how #Copyright works. We really have to know these things (which, unfortunately, is not taught in schools); and have to wait.

The best re-users can do is to ask for permission/license (if the license isn't clear). As long as Copyright laws exist, it is unavoidable. It's not ideal.

I have CCBYSA and PD/CC0 works. But I also release a few under ND and NC. Some "All Rights Reserved" (usually photography) for stock sites selling (they don't like CC).
in reply to ♾️ Yuki (스노 雪亮) 🐬 🦣

> But that's how #Copyright works. We really have to know these things (which, unfortunately, is not taught in schools); and have to wait.

My whole point is that in a lot of cases, demanding this kind of knowledge and patience of people who might want to use one's work (say, by using -NC) is unreasonable, and actually goes *against* what the author actually wants to achieve with that license.

And that -SA largely avoids that.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Ahh, I think that's where we differ in how we see it.

Whenever I use NC and/or ND, as the creator, my intention was to protect my work.

If my intention is to have it distributed and re-used as wide as possible, then I use SA or PD.

For example, in my country, Copyright infringement is sadly a thing, even in the corporate world. I prefer to protect some of my work first before I worry about how many would reuse it.

Ironically, for SA/PD works, those are the ones I get requests.
in reply to ♾️ Yuki (스노 雪亮) 🐬 🦣

> in my country, Copyright infringement is sadly a thing, even in the corporate world. I prefer to protect some of my work first before I worry about how many would reuse it.

I find it interesting that you acknowledge that copyright infringement is wide-spread ("even in the corporate world"), and then conclude you will protect your work by using NC or ND. I think it's safe to assume copyright infringers will ignore these terms just like they ignore other licensing terms.

in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

> and then conclude you will protect your work by using NC or ND. I think it's safe to assume copyright infringers will ignore these terms just like they ignore other licensing terms.

And that's where the license comes in, protection. They can freely re-share, re-distribute, as long as it is NC. In the case of ND, as long as it is not a derivative. Compared to “All Rights Reserved”, I'm practically saying, “no, you can not re-share, re-distribute, no matter what”.

in reply to ♾️ Yuki (스노 雪亮) 🐬 🦣

wait, either I am reading this wrong, or that does not make any sense.

> Compared to “All Rights Reserved”, I'm practically saying, “no, you can not re-share, re-distribute, no matter what”.

"All rights reserved" is *by definition* more strict than any CC license, even CC By NC ND. Are you saying that with NC or ND you "protect" your work more than if you released it under "All rights reserved"?

in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

(1/n) No, no. It is about being able to grant the Right to share and re-distribute the work without granting the Right to use it for commercial purposes or to create a derivative work.

All Rights Reserved = you can't do all of it.

NC = you can re-share / re-distribute except for commercial purposes.

ND = you can re-share / re-distribute except for creating a derivative.

NC or ND gives you more protection than Copyleft CC-licenses.

in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

(2/n) Example, personal photos. I use ND for photos of myself (that I took, of course), so give a stronger legal ground if someone misused it, while at the same time those with legitimate purposes doesn't have to bother me with permissions.

In many Asian countries, we don't have a "Fair Use" policy as is known in the US. Some have something similar which no one tested, some just doesn't have anything.

in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

(3/3) We do have to ask for permission when using someone else's photo of themselves. Otherwise, they're opening themselves up for legal trouble.

By using, for example, ND, they don't have to ask me for permission, and at the same time, I also give them the guarantee I will not go after them… as long as it is not a derivative.

in reply to ♾️ Yuki (스노 雪亮) 🐬 🦣

yes, that's understood.

The problem with ND is: there's a bunch of copyright exceptions that make ND moot in a lot of cases. I will still be able to use your photos in a parody, for example.

More importantly, people who you *really* want to stop from "modifying" your work (or, well, creating derivatives), will almost certainly just ignore the license anyway.

So my next question is: what *exactly* are you trying to protect your work from, by using ND?

in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

(1/2) It's true, they will ignore the license anyway, but if they do, since I released it as ND, I can go after them.

I'll use an example for the other question. I know someone who used to support CC, that he released all his photos under CC-BY-SA.

One day, someone re-used his photo (photo of photographer/himself) and created all derivatives that may, or may not, suggest sexual innuendo.
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

(2/3) IIRC, his attorney advised not to sue because the way the derivates were made can be interpreted in various ways, not to mention the license was CC-BY-SA. It was also not easy to prove that it was an attack.

In the end, this person denounced all CC licenses because of this experience. Not just for his photos, but also for his other works. A lot of people using CC licenses back then, also did the same. Only few CC / Free Culture supporters remained.
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

(3/3) While yes, photos of people used in a way that is demeaning to them or implies they're endorsing a product, may be a violation, it is untested in courts (at least locally).

So, for me, at least in local context, it's better to restrict it to ND for that extra legal basis if something similar happens to me.
in reply to ♾️ Yuki (스노 雪亮) 🐬 🦣

ah, that's fair. I think the crucial thing here is the fact that the photographer themselves (or people close to them) were on these photos. I can see how ND-as-an-insurance-policy-against-that-kind-of-abuse *can* make some sense.

That's a very specific, limited scope. But it's an important one nonetheless.

I kinda feel this is something that privacy-related laws should handle, but we're obviously not there yet. :blobthinking:

Thanks for the food for thought!
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Yep. And when it comes to privacy, many politicians are only paying a lip service. Or, new laws that doesn't do much at all.

Still a long way to go. Though I think the EU is leaps ahead?

It's also sad that when it comes to court cases, it's either there was precedent already (and it's in your favor), or, you have the money and time to spend.
in reply to ♾️ Yuki (스노 雪亮) 🐬 🦣

EU is doing somewhat okay, but also there are some really crappy proposals (check out #Chatcontrol).

Agreed on the court cases. Privacy should not only be available to the rich.
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

It's an interesting view. I haven't looked at NC as something that can be 'against' the purpose of the creator.
in reply to ♾️ Yuki (스노 雪亮) 🐬 🦣

unintended consequences are real, copyright law is complicated, intentions often do not match the outcome.

This is particularly stark with ND. I honestly believe there is zero reason to use it, ever:

It's basically completely ineffective in what people using it think it achieves.

It's a bit less stark with NC, but it's still there, mainly due to the ambiguity of "non-commercial". Everyone understands this term differently.

in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Great article. ND is the less used of CC licenses. I only use it for specific cases, like I mentioned earlier, photos of me. And yes, I did come across uses of ND that did not make sense, at least as far as the author's “explanation” or purpose is concerned.

in reply to ♾️ Yuki (스노 雪亮) 🐬 🦣


And just to be clear, I am not trying to convince you to stop using ND on your photos. It's none of my business and it's obviously only your decision.

Just enjoying our conversation, trying to understand how and why people use NC and ND.

in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

> Just enjoying our conversation, trying to understand how and why people use NC and ND.

No worries. I enjoy the exchange too. This type of discourse is rare in Twitter and Facebook, you usually end up with trolls and people who are easily offended.


in reply to ♾️ Yuki (스노 雪亮) 🐬 🦣

haha, makes sense! My experience here (over the last ~5y) has been pretty great in that department. People don't seem to be easily offended (most of the time, there are always outliers), and are in for a conversation, not for a shouting match.

Best social network money can't buy.

in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

If they don't know how copyright works, why do you expect them to know how CC works. Surely, they have to put the effort in to find out either. I don't believe non-commercial is problematic if people put the work in to understand what they are doing.
in reply to Mark Harris

> If they don't know how copyright works, why do you expect them to know how CC works.

I don't. CC By-SA makes very few demands on the person using a particular piece. A tiny bit more than CC By, granted, but it is still leaps and bounds clearer and easier to figure out than NC.

It also creates way fewer situations where somebody might need to contact the author and ask for a separate license. While offering meaningful protection from corporate appropriation.

@youronlyone @axbom
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦 @Per Axbom Does SA apply to the whole work? I'll have to read it again (or listen to myself read it 😃).

I've always had the impression that it binds more like a weak copyleft and that media content in general is treated more like e.g. a film or a book with pictures is an aggregation of things that go into it.
in reply to Per Axbom

In this particular case I'm also truly myself of the conviction that people can use it when consulting, to show the concept of the Fediverse. Just not print and sell copies of it.

Thinking like that it makes sense to drop the NC :)
in reply to Per Axbom

right? 🙂

Plus, some people *will* print and sell it anyway, regardless of the license. These people will just ignore the terms anyway, be it NC or SA or whatever else.

Finally, all CC licenses allow you to be very clear how the attribution needs to look. You can be very specific about how it needs to be placed, etc, on a printed rendition, for example. Perhaps that's a way to deal with that issue as well, while switching to SA:
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Remember an author retains the right to change the licence s/he has put her/his work under. Even with an -nc licence, the NGO of your example can still contact the author to get an explicit authorization to use her/his work and create derivate works.
in reply to Agarwaën

absolutely, all of these licenses are non-exclusive.

That said, that *is* another step to take, and there *is* a (perceived) chance the author says "no". So it *is* a risk, still.
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

finding the author's contact, writing them, and then *waiting for the answer* is prohibitive in many, especially precarious/non-profit creative processes.

*could* i have asked xkcd to drop the nc from their battery-horse-staple comic to include it in some educational material that was printed and given away for donations? _very_ theoretically 😅😅😅
in reply to malte

on the other hand *no one* took my excellent cc-zero or cc-by-sa materials to extract the maximum profit, which is a little bit insulting to be quite honest 😑
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

A tricky one. IIRC, Creative Commons itself consider "commercial" as referring to selling the work by itself; or if in a collection, part of the price includes said work. (If the work is part of a collection but the price does not include the NC work, it's fine too… but tricky to prove.)

Websites, blogs, which contain advertisements, are not considered "commercial". Although there are entities and individuals who do.

Best would be to ask, like you did.

Again, iirc. ^_^
in reply to ♾️ Yuki (스노 雪亮) 🐬 🦣

yeah, that's precisely my point: it is unclear, and the assumptions of the author and whoever is considering to use the work will almost certainly not match 100%.

in reply to Per Axbom

Hello and thanks for the visual. You might want to take out Plume bc on their site they say they are no longer active maintaining it and referring people to other sites.
in reply to Olivier Azeau

I feel there is a balance here where I do not want to confuse people with too many protocols, but yes, Matrix should ideally deserve its own tree. I have another iteration planned for tomorrow. I’ll see if it makes the cut.

Thanks :)
in reply to Olivier Azeau

Matrix is not connected to the Fediverse (ActivityPub), it is on its own network/protocol.

A separate tree is more fitting.

Would be cool to see a Matrix tree, it's so hard to keep track of which services federated with Matrix -- and how much federation was implemented (one way; two way; account creation). Server blocks/bans are also frequent. (LIke the flagship server, other servers blocked it.)
in reply to Per Axbom

Still under development, so I don’t know if you want to include it yet: I’m not affiliated in any way.
in reply to Per Axbom

so can Mastodon talk to NextCloud?
If so, what can I do with that?
How is PixelFed different than Mastodon? I'm a computer nerd and kinda embarrassed I havent fully grasped the fediverse.
in reply to Miakoda

@HelloMiakoda I don't think NextCloud supports #ActivityPub which #Mastodon would need to use for such communication. I would recommend verifying that by following the NextCloud #Friendica forum @Nextcloud User Forum
in reply to Arco

It is part of version 1.2 now. Thanks. It was embarassing to have missed that the first time around. As a podcaster I have been following Castopod development.

in reply to Per Axbom

Surprised I didn't know most of them, this will keep me busy.

Recommend me starting where?
in reply to Per Axbom

Another visualization of Fediverse from January 2020:

Not fully sure of the original author though. :(
in reply to Daniel Schildt

Thanks. That’s a good one for me to look at, but would feel very daunting for newbies I think 😁
in reply to Per Axbom

For sure, but that diagram is more clear that most Wikipedia articles about the history of these services...
in reply to Per Axbom

It's Friday and version 1.2 of "The many branches of the Fediverse" is published. Thanks everyone for your interest and engagement.

There is a changelog at the bottom of the post with more info, and you are welcome to download hi-res PNG and PDF versions of the diagram.

Do feel free to use this visual in any way you like, in your presentations, publish in your own spaces, etceteras. I'm just glad if you find it useful.

in reply to Per Axbom

what do you think about the at-protocol, should it be on the list
in reply to Peter Merikan 🇸🇪

I can join the waitlist and see if/when it becomes available 😉
in reply to Per Axbom

I did it a few days ago. I guess we'll have to wait and see 🤔
in reply to Per Axbom

Looks great 🙂

Friendica also has events, so you might want to swap that with Hubzilla and enlarge that bubble
in reply to clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛

Yes, they both have events. They also both have file/photo management. And they both are capable blogging (macro) platforms. Hubzilla and later projects support the DAV protocols so you can use them as cloud storage with integrated permissions. I've been disappointed at fediverse categorisation software which only permits assigning one category to a project, because everything I've created spills across several.
in reply to Per Axbom

Such a helpful chart - thanks for creating and sharing it!
in reply to Per Axbom

thank you for the nice Drawing of the #Fediverse and sharing it. 👍😀
in reply to Dr. Quadragon ❌

I removed it intentionally as their page says it is no longer maintained and they are recommending other applications.

It is still mentioned on the blog post, with this information.
in reply to Per Axbom

I've just put it into my video for newcomers and here you are 😆
in reply to Per Axbom

How does scuttlebutt fit into the fediverse tree?
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to peter kleiweg 🧩

It’s a protocol, so I’ve added a mention of it on the blog post. Thanks.
in reply to Per Axbom

Cool! Might be worth mentioning that Nextcloud is only with an extra installed app, much like Wordpress is via a plugin.
in reply to Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥷☣️

I didn’t want to have to redo it, as Nextcloud are adding this in the default installation before the end of the year.

in reply to Per Axbom

why is there matrix protocol on this diagram?
in reply to handowl

Hi, that is explained in the post. The Matrix protocol follows the principles of the Fediverse.
in reply to Per Axbom

oh, that looks great! Do you plan to update the list of applications - in and not in the diagram - from time to time, or is the link to the Wikipedia page the simplest and final solution to being complete?

For the book part e.g. I noticed #inventaire (.io) missing.
in reply to Arjan Boltjes

I have received so many ideas for development of the diagram I know it will be literally impossible to give a true representation of the Fediverse. But also, the Fediverse Wikipedia entry is only part of the truth. I have come across more protocols and applications than that page covers. Matrix, XMPP, Solid, for instance.

Someone added my diagram to the Wikipedia entry, so that’s still now a good source, though 😅
in reply to Per Axbom

Fair enough. We'll leave it to the Wikipedia page and other sites to complete it then. Congrats on being featured on Wikipedia. 🥳
in reply to Per Axbom

Tahnk you very much for having created this !

I love it <3

In case you are interested to know, the last evolution of what was Friendica, then Hubzilla is Streams :

(there were some in between, but Streams seems to be the current "last leaf of Zot protocols (with ActivityPub compatibility))
in reply to Per Axbom

Oh wow! I didn't know there was literally a bigger world/universe connected with Mastodon! 🤯
in reply to Per Axbom

# deepl

Es ist Freitag und Version 1.2 von "Die vielen Zweige des Fediversums" ist veröffentlicht. Vielen Dank an alle für euer Interesse und Engagement.

Es gibt ein Änderungsprotokoll am Ende des Beitrags mit weiteren Informationen, und Sie können gerne hochauflösende PNG- und PDF-Versionen des Diagramms herunterladen.

Ihr könnt das Diagramm gerne in euren Präsentationen verwenden, in euren eigenen Bereichen veröffentlichen, usw. Ich freue mich einfach, wenn Sie es nützlich finden.
in reply to Per Axbom

absolutely love this. Been looking for a self hosted music platform for a while so thank you so much for showing me funkwhale
in reply to Per Axbom

i peaked through the alt-text and wow! i'm amazed! that's super descriptive :star_eyes:
in reply to Per Axbom

@Per Axbom This is so great! Love the little trees.

The next little tree could be the XMPP Microblogging tree, with Libervia and Movim in it.

It is about to become more relevant, as @Goffi is actively working on a bridge between XMPP Microblogging and ActivityPub, effectively bringing Libervia and Movim into the Fediverse.

reshared this

in reply to Per Axbom

hey indeed #XMPP should be in the diagram, the gateway is functional even if not stable yet. I've started a blog post about it that I should publish early next week.

It can already be put in `write freely`, `networking` and `events` sections, and probably other will come in future.

#activitypub #fediverse
in reply to clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛

@Per Axbom Ah, actually you mention the XMPP Microblogging applications in the article.

I agree that XMPP and all its flavors and applications would be a huge tree, but the narrower XMPP Microblogging would fit as a small tree.
in reply to Per Axbom

I absolutely love this and can't thank you enough for providing such an awesome description. If possible, wondering if you can put that description somewhere in the post? I just don't want to lose it if I use the image and since I'm using an iOS client here, not sure how best to extract the alt.
in reply to Steve Sawczyn

Thank you Steve. That is a good point. I was disappointed by the limit on characters in ALT-texts on my Ghost blog, but I can absolutely add it inside the post somehow.

I’ve worked with digital accessibility since the early 2000s. Making my content accessible is important to me, so thank you for reaching out.

I will let you know as soon as I’ve added it.
in reply to Per Axbom

Hi again Steve,

I’ve now added the full text of the image description at the bottom of the post.

It’s also linked in the image tagline.
in reply to Per Axbom

@axbom You are awesome for doing this, just wanted to thank you again. :)
in reply to Per Axbom

Stepping in for a sec from my weekend tech break.

Thank you for all the support and interest around my diagram. I also see lots of questions.

A heads up that most questions are answered if you click through and read the linked blog post.

Happy to answer q’s that are not answered in the blog post, and I’ll start on that on Monday. But no need to wait on that if you can find the answer in the blog post 😉

Thanks also to everyone helping me out with clarifications.

Andrew Hinton reshared this.

in reply to Per Axbom

a different question. I saw that the Linode install guide uses docker. Does that mean that if needed people can upgrade the hardware just by installing the container it?
in reply to Andrés

OStatus is in the diagram. Not sure if it’s worth mentioning Will have a think about that...
in reply to Andrés

@amunizp @Per Axbom was running, which was renamed StatusNet. That software is now GNU Social, which is in the tree.

It supported OpenMicroBlogger and then OStatus.

In 2013 switched from StatusNet to, which used its own unnamed protocol. ActivityPub was based on that, but still uses ActivityStreams v1 and ActivityPub is based on ActivityStreams v2.
in reply to Per Axbom

Version 2.0 of the diagram The Many Branches of the Fediverse is just published.

Among the changes:

Added XMPP. Added a line from GNUSocial to Ostatus. Added Zot as a tree and a line to Hubzilla. Added back Plume(!)

FYI: The blog post tells more about the thinking behind the diagram and how it is not intended to be a complete mapping of the #Fediverse.

PNG and PDF downloads are available for free usage:


reshared this

in reply to thickpaws

@gotosocial Thanks. XMPP was mentioned in the post. Considering adding it as its own tree in the next iteration. I’ve since added a mention of GoToSocial in the post as well.
in reply to Per Axbom

Does Solid/Inrupt fit in this scheme? If so, how? TIA
in reply to Aswath Rao

Good one, yes, it would potentially fit with the Fediverse concept as its own tree. I’ll make a mention of it on the blog post.

@Beantin and I have wanted to interview Tim Berners-Lee about Solid for years @uxpodcast
in reply to Per Axbom

thank you for sharing. Helps me with selecting services to use.
in reply to Per Axbom

Great work, thank you.
I assume this is released under some sort of free license such as creative commons, are you perhaps able to make it clear how this can be used please.

Just makes it easer, and saves people asking you.
in reply to Paul Sutton

Thank you Paul.

I’ve tried being clear by stating the license both on the image and in the blog post at the top 😊

Just in case:

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
in reply to Per Axbom


I will take some to the STEM Group meeting at Paignton Library on Saturday started to have a stack of posters etc on the door to a cupboard, so these all help and help start conversations.

I was discussing social media, data and privacy on Saturday so will carry with this
in reply to Paul Sutton

Fantastic, thanks for letting me know! Love it when this stuff gets used. 😊
in reply to Per Axbom

gnu social can work with only OStatus plugin and/or ActivityPub plugin, so a link to OStatus tree may be needed.
in reply to Per Axbom

Thank you. As you also bring up Matrix and Diaspora in there, would there be a chance to also list Federated Wiki? We're around since 2011 and it's still working nicely.
in reply to Per Axbom

Why is microblog a side branch of the tree? Purely stylistic or am I missing some context?
in reply to Michael Anckaert

Microblog is not open source software I can download for free and install on any server. It’s a paid service. So that makes it different.
in reply to Per Axbom

I was thinking about which is OSS (agpl).
in reply to Michael Anckaert

Ah that's something else(!). Didn't know about that one.
in reply to Per Axbom

doesn't gnu social do ostatus? activitypub is just a plugin iirc unless they've somehow dropped ostatus idk
in reply to infinite love ⴳ

In the backlog at the bottom of the post I've written a reminder to draw a line from GNU social to OStatus :)
in reply to Per Axbom

so do we actually see Diaspora as the tree unto itself? That seems extremely sad, actually, as they were sounding the alarm, long before Mastodon came into being.
in reply to Thomas Cherryhomes

@Thomas Cherryhomes @Per Axbom It is sad, but they went with their own protocol which was very similar and partly one-way compatible with OStatus, instead of building on OStatus.

In the modern era they have rejected ActivityPub entirely.
in reply to Per Axbom

I was wondering who made this, I had seen it *somewhere* and bookmarked it. Thanks for making it! I've added it to my own instances info/about page. It's super informative and explains it better than I could. Kudos to you!
in reply to Per Axbom

Oh, you can probably also add #Socialhome platform/software. It can connect to both #diaspora and #ActivityPub protocols.

Its flagship server is at:

Also, #Hubzilla have its own protocol #Zot / #Zot6 which supports #portability of accounts (and others).
in reply to ♾️ Yuki (스노 雪亮) 🐬 🦣

Thanks, Socialhome was already in the picture you commented. 😉

Zot is mentioned in the blog post since version 1.1. In version 1.2 you can see the connections between protocols. Zot is not its own tree yet though. Still have to figure out how far I want to go. Will never be possible to cover everything and make it reasonably welcoming to peruse.
in reply to Per Axbom

that's really interesting to see diaspora is part of the fediverse, I felt like the lack of connection between pods/instances was why it didn't kill Facebook.
in reply to Per Axbom

Where are we?! 🤔 You forgot @Castopod 😭
in reply to Castopod :podcasting2:

Sneak peek of the next version I'm releasing within two hours ;)

Castopod :podcasting2: reshared this.

in reply to Per Axbom

Then there's this:

Along with the 60-70 other fediverse apps and hundreds of developers quietly toiling for a brighter future; which you won't see here either.

As I pointed out yesterday - you can't see the forest through the trees.
Unknown parent

@As The World Turns They released NextCloud Social already 4 years ago, but it was extremely limited and considered alpha quality.

Now they're saying it's 0.5.0-beta and they've said they want to make it release quality "later this year".


@HelloMiakoda @Per Axbom
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Per Axbom

thanks so much! It's great being a newbie and having so many people explain things. This community feels great already 💚
in reply to Per Axbom

thank you for posting this. It’s a little overwhelming! Bookwyrm looks great
in reply to Per Axbom

yes true - there is the tree missing with the ZOT / Nomad protocol
in reply to Per Axbom

thank you, thank you, thank you. I just read through the article you linked, and I learned so much. I now know what people mean when they mention an instance (yay!).
in reply to DidiQ

you’re welcome, thank you for the feedback
in reply to Per Axbom

I am searching for an alternative to Instagram (I have about +5K to "export") and Facebook. I also want an alternative to Z-library beyond Genesis. Something like them in the Fediverse?
in reply to Nash-veh wuh tor-talsu

@riemannium @Per Axbom Image sharing on Fedi is the focus of PixelFed.

People often say that the FB-like on Fedi is Friendica. I'm on Friendica and I don't entirely agree, but it's certainly more FB-like than Mastodon, Pleroma or MissKey are. It's visually oriented around conversations and the original posts that start them rather than being a stream of equally treated comments.

My brain is calmer on Friendica than on Mastodon, Pleroma or MissKey. It doesn't encourage the dopamine flow and the FOMO the same way.
in reply to Per Axbom

That's neat! I've been using this image so far, courtesy of Wikipedia
Might add yours alongside that one on the article!
in reply to Talya (she/her) 🏳️‍⚧️✡️

Hi again!

The fediverse tree is now at version 2.0.

What would be the best way to keep this updated also on the Wikipedia page?

It feels presumptious of me to add it myself.
in reply to Per Axbom

I mean, if you don't mind notifying me every time, I don't mind updating it every time.
Unknown parent

Per Axbom
Yes, thanks for the reminder. I’ve added it to the blog post now under "Applications not in the diagram”.
in reply to Erik Kemp 🇪🇺

Your chart is ready, and can be found here:

Things may have changed since I started compiling that, and some things may have been inaccessible.

In particular, the very nature of the fediverse means some toots may never have made it to my instance, in which case I can't see them, and can't include them.

The chart will eventually be deleted, so if you'd like to keep it, make sure you download a copy.
in reply to Per Axbom

Wow. I am so new to all of this! This is really helpful thank you. I have to remind myself that it's more like exploring a country than a small town and I don't have to (nor do I have the capacity to) explore it all in one day! Looking forward to getting to know all of the different areas slowly 🙏😁
Unknown parent

But it _can_ federate with things like Friendica and Hubzilla. Still in the broader fediverse, IMO, even if it's a degree separated.
Unknown parent

Per Axbom
Només si teníeu l'extensió ActivityPub 😊
Unknown parent

Per Axbom
Entenc. Però si algú es subscriu al teu bloc de Wordpress, almenys no veurà publicitat.
Unknown parent

Per Axbom
Thanks, adding that to the backlog.