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Yesterday’s Trump news was dominated by a Federal judge and a porn star, and the one who disgraced herself was the Federal judge. - Andy Borowitz
Fun fact: the bible doesn't say that life starts at conception, it says that life starts at first breath in Genesis 2:7. The only time the bible mentions abortion is when it's describing when it should be done and how to perform one in Numbers 5:11-31.

in reply to anubis2814

'The Man' took the threat seriously and used marketing to convince people they weren't taking it…

Its funny, in the 80's, under people like Phyllis Schalfly, The argument against abortion really was about controlling women because it would destroy the family if she had other options. It wasn't until the 90's that they realized talking about baby killing actually sold better to the public.

Why Gas Got So Expensive (It’s Not the War) via @YouTube Invesstment sees the death of oil on the horizon so they have scaled back investment. the prices will continue to rise while alterantives continue to drop.

Russian propaganda is smarter than you think via @YouTube A russian in the know realizes that Russians in real time are duping the left. They've been doing this since at least 2015

if kavanaugh doesn’t like the pro abortion protests outside his house, he can simply drive or relocate to a different state. right?

Well, I haven't listened to Radio Canada for years either, and I used to belong to Ian McFarland's Listeners Club. RIP RCI from my perspective.

Je n'écoute plus radio-canada depuis quelques années. Sauf La Semaine verte via Internet. J'ai déjà beaucoup écouté la radio de RC mais elle n'est plus ce qu'elle était. Idem pour la télé.
#RadioCanada #Radio #Television


Enjoy yourself
It's later than you think
Enjoy yourself
While you're still in the Pinky & The Brain
The years go by
As quickly as a wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself
It's later than you think

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in reply to Clara Listensprechen

I haven't been lambasted to my face yet, but I'm sure it's coming. My kids, at least, see pretty forgiving of our generation -- or at least of me, for which I am extremely grateful.
in reply to John Hummel

Given the funerals I've attended, I remain skeptical of kids that are nice to your face as long as you're still alive, but turn into squabbling vultures when it comes to divvying up your property.
My biggest investments have been in what I learn--when I'm gone, I'm taking my wealth with me and I'm not kidding about that. The people who get an inheritance from me are the people I've taught. They become richer, and I'm still rich. Just not in fungible assets.


Futurama 2525

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Well--can double cartoon that song by the Argyles (Alley Oop, #NoEffort) with

Alley Boop. Lookin' at you, Betty.

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Blue Moon
You left me standing alone...
Sponge Bob a bob bob a bobba bob bob
Bobba da bobba dang adang dang
Ding-a dong ding---
Bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuue Moooooooooooooooon

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Expat is what people who don't want to be called immigrants call themselves. Expat is an inherently racist word.

I am an immigrant. Many immigrants are white and western. I'm one of them, and proud of it.

In addition, Vinay is now openly praising RFK Jr. Dude everyday inches closer to becoming full blown anti-vax.

I can't wrap my ahead around how anyone can be opposed to the HPV vaccine. With over 200 million doses delivered over 15 years, its safety is pretty clear. And guess what? It's literally a vaccine against cancer. Against CANCER. Is this not what we dreamed of for decades? And yet.... here we are.

“This is what you sound like. This is you,” I say to my partner, affecting a high-pitched whine. “Waaahhh where’s my insulin? I need it to live!”

I remember a joke from Robot Chicken making fun of celebrity culture for a game show called "Win Russel Crow's trash" As a person who has found so REALLY nice stuff in wealthier people's trash, I bet you could find some nice stuff in the trash of the filthy rich and famous.

A Marxist is a person who defines people in politics as left and right with not much respect for a "center" because that's the lens Marx viewed things in. If this is how you see things, that alone makes you a Marxist.

I'm still waiting for one of these people to define what Marxism is. They'll accuse someone of being both a Marxist and a fascist in the same breath, which makes absolutely no sense unless you have no idea what either is.


The Tony Award for the most Tonys in one name goes to Tony Toni Tone.

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Consider the source. It sounds like what China is threatening.
And even when its economic house is in disarray.

Asean must calm South China Sea waters or risk ‘Asia’s Ukraine’ #breakingnews #news