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Enjoy yourself
It's later than you think
Enjoy yourself
While you're still in the Pinky & The Brain
The years go by
As quickly as a wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself
It's later than you think

Jason reshared this.

in reply to John Hummel

Indeed. The people who first sung that song are already long gone.

Folks, if you thought that Auld Lang Syne was Guy Lombardo's only hit, well, you stand corrected:

in reply to Clara Listensprechen

When I was young, I was amused by the meme, "Inside every old person is a young person wondering what the hell happened."

Now I live it.

in reply to John Hummel

True dat.
Also to get lambasted by Gen X thru Gen Z & Millennials just for being Boomers.
I'm "takin it with me".
in reply to Clara Listensprechen

I haven't been lambasted to my face yet, but I'm sure it's coming. My kids, at least, see pretty forgiving of our generation -- or at least of me, for which I am extremely grateful.
in reply to John Hummel

Given the funerals I've attended, I remain skeptical of kids that are nice to your face as long as you're still alive, but turn into squabbling vultures when it comes to divvying up your property.
My biggest investments have been in what I learn--when I'm gone, I'm taking my wealth with me and I'm not kidding about that. The people who get an inheritance from me are the people I've taught. They become richer, and I'm still rich. Just not in fungible assets.
in reply to Clara Listensprechen

"The people who get an inheritance from me are the people I’ve taught."

That's an excellent outlook, @Clara Listensprechen!