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CW: Eye contact selfie

Feeling better about myself today. Bruising is almost entirely gone. 💜

"Me, a white trans woman. I have purple hair, wearing a lavender and white sweater. Also, pale pink skinny jeans, though you can only see me from about the knees up."

Unknown parent

@stupidjim Talking to you here is like talking to my brother. He, also, needs to have the last word, so, you have the last word. Bye.

Opinion | Trans Visibility Is Nice. Safety Is Even Better. - The New York Times
Political posturing about trans people in public spaces was never about protecting children, as so many proponents of these bills claim. While the trans community and our allies can and should celebrate trans people on the red carpet and on our favorite TV shows, we can’t lose sight of the fact that each bill contributes to a political movement that imagines a world without us.

#trans #transgender #TransRightsAreHumanRights

in reply to Andrea Junker :verified:

Amazing isn't it? Biden is too old, yet Trump is barely younger at all and showing some pretty serious signs of some dementia whereas Biden just has a few slipups and mistakes. (More so than a young person I would suppose, but still, things we all could do.) So apparently we should end our democracy forever in America and establish an authoritarian dictatorship that will start imprisoning and executing people on whims because... Trump is very slightly younger.

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

While chaosfem was down yesterday, I logged into my 8pt account in case I needed to get my fedi fix from there. While there I found a bookmark to my original "Trans Joy" thread on tech, and realized it's been a year since then.

So on this Valentine's day, let's get another round of #transgender positivity:

I'd love to hear people's favorite positive responses to their coming out from friends/family/etc.

Here's the original post for any who want to see the responses there:

in reply to Tonya Marie 🏳️‍⚧️

The cis woman in the office across the hall from mine replied to my coming-out email saying she was “selfishly” glad to have another woman on our team. (She’s since helped lead an effort that has brought several more women into our hallway.)

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

Is Biden's age an issue? I know who seeded the topic and I know why they want it to be the topic, and I know they'd like us to all to discuss it in a way that excises the observable fact that Trump is also historically old and his brain has been mush all along. So no thanks.
Unknown parent

@Healthcarer @graydon
I don't believe his ego would cause him to be unlealistic about his competence. Also, he has a wife that genuinely cares about him & will tell him if he's 'losing it.'
in reply to A.R. Moxon, Verified Duck 🦆

The question should is American politics that bad, that these two are the best they have to offer, if so then the system is broken.

in reply to David August

Unfortunately, the TNG writers became obsessed with the low-hanging fruit instead of pushing the boundaries when it came to their aliens.

Was chatting with someone earlier about the disservice they did to Michael Dorn when it came to his portrayal of fathering Worf's son. They made Worf a dead-beat dad, which just makes me shake my head. That relationship could have been something to admire, but instead they fell into stereotypes. It's just sad.

in reply to David August

In the TNG episode “Redemption II”, Commander Hobson calls the idea of an android captain absurd, akin to a Klingon therapist.

Doesn't seem so absurd now.

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

Hiiiii friend!!! *waves excitedly*

I'm wrapping you up in a thought-hug right now!! I hope you can feel it.

I'm also sending you so many well-wishes for your day. I hope you have magical moments and pleasant experiences awaiting you!!

Please let me know if I can help you today in any way. I'm happy to help my dear friend however I can!!

*A pretty blue glow surrounds you before gently fading away*

I just sent you some love and luck!!
Now you're SURE to have a good day!!

Hehe don't forget to say hi, if you want! I'd love a chance to give you a more personal greeting!

Have a great one! You deserve it for being a ROCKSTAR!! 🤘


reshared this

Unknown parent

@monsterblue Well what a coincidence!! Your sweetness made me smile, too!! Thank you so much for the good vibes, and for the snootboops, which are always wanted, hehe!! 💙💙💙
in reply to 💙 Bwee the Fluffdragon 💙

I was genuinely expecting some plot twist at the and, but it stayed wholesome for the whole toot 😳
Stay well too! c:

Texas asks Georgia clinic for transgender youths’ records | The Texas Tribune
Karen Loewy, a lawyer with Lambda Legal representing organizations and Texas families of transgender youth trying to block SB 14 in court, said there is “zero authorization” in the law for Paxton’s requests to clinics outside of Texas.
“It’s hard not to see this as part and parcel of the AG’s scorched-earth approach to persecuting trans kids and their parents who are being forced to undertake travel outside of Texas to get their kids the medically necessary care they need,” Loewy said.


in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

If you don't want to provide care for trans youth / outlaw care for trans youth, the only reason Fuxton needs their records is to criminalize/persecute them.

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

This reminds me of when they stopped to clap COVID nurses every day instead of paying them.

Don't clap. Pay.

Domestic Violence

"In case you haven’t heard, here’s the headline. I was assaulted by my (now ex) roommate this past Friday. She was arrested and is currently residing in the local jail. I am recovering physically."


#Abuse #DomesticViolence #trans #transgender #ActuallyAutistic #spoonie

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

Who Fani fucks has not a goddamn thing to do with trump making the decision to fucking overthrow the goddamn government.

Jesus fucking christ people get a goddamned grip.

I'm about to quit this whole fucking place because there's a whole bunch of you fuckers who can't tell the difference between actual news and sensationalist bullshit that literally does exactly THIS.

It's all stupid and you're all fucking swallowing it.

Hook, line & sinker

Unknown parent

TheJen - Jen Wojcik

@hannu_ikonen @timo21

I moved instances and followed you here. The other one is still up on .social, I just got tired of the reply guy stupidity and was not keen on the threads thing. At Beige Party now.

in reply to TheJen - Jen Wojcik

1) Two lawyers who are on the same side of a case and become friends/lovers/married are NOT a confict of interest, according to legal ethics.

2) The Georgia Bureau of Investigation put out a statement on the 19th saying Willis is definitely NOT being investigated.

3) Fuck these people who claim otherwise. Just block 'em.

4) You're not going to get a better deal on the other sites. But it wouldn't hurt to take a break.

Domestic assault

Yesterday, I was the victim of a domestic assault. My roommate is in jail, and is likely going to be there for a good long while. She faces up to 20 years for aggravated battery, as I read Georgia law. I'm posting from My Friendica account because sharing a photo is easier.

CW: The image isn't pretty. I like purple more than the average girl, but this is definitely over the top.


Unknown parent

Charlotte Walker
@Cara It’s nice when they are so carefree and relaxed

in reply to George Takei :verified: 🏳️‍🌈🖖🏽

Let me put it this way.
It is incredibly difficult to be a woman. We are beautiful and smart. We are never found to be good enough, no matter what we do. We can be extraordinary, but some man always tells us we are doing it wrong!

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

Tell me you've never watched Star Trek without telling me you've never watched Star Trek.
in reply to Jay Lee

i mean to be fair, that is how you show your girlfriends that a vulcan has proposed marriage to you.

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

At The Washington Post, Lauren Weber reports that #antivaxxers are gaining ground in state legislatures. Can't repeat it too much: vaccines don't cause #autism. #GetVaccinated

reshared this

Did Trump hide Russian interference in 2016 election?

A binder containing highly classified information related to Russian election interference went missing at the end of Donald Trump’s presidency, raising alarms among intelligence officials that some of the most closely guarded national security secrets from the US and its allies could be exposed, sources familiar with the matter told CNN.

Its disappearance, which has not been previously reported, was so concerning that intelligence officials briefed Senate Intelligence Committee leaders last year about the missing materials and the government’s efforts to retrieve them, the sources said.

The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump

#Trump #ClassifiedFileTheft

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Trans Lifeline facing cuts due to falling corporate donations

After a year of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, a lifeline for trans and nonbinary people faces cuts | PBS NewsHour

#trans #transgender #MentalHealth #TransLifeline

The nation’s only mental health hotline designed specifically for — and almost entirely staffed by — transgender people will pause operations for the last two weeks of the year, and will decrease its hours of operation when it returns in 2024. As corporate donations have fallen, the Trans Lifeline has faced a major budget shortfall, leaders at the nonprofit said.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Trans kids are *not* "just gay"

Fact Check: WSJ Publishes False Article Claiming Trans Kids Are "Actually Just Gay"

WSJ editorial completely ignores the existence of #trans lesbians and gay trans men.

#transgender #TransKids

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Lightning in a Bottle - Eli Lieb

#LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Trans #Queer #lgbtqiaplus #MoodMusic

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

Via Zoe Tillman:

Hello from the DC federal courthouse, where #RudyGiuliani is waiting to get through security as jury selection is set to begin this a.m. to determine how much in damages he'll owe two #Georgia election workers who sued him for defamation.

And jury selection is just getting underway in Rudy Giuliani's damages trial -- Judge Beryl Howell, who was not amused that Giuliani was not in the courtroom at 9am when they were supposed to begin, is presiding #legal 1/…

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Diasp.Org is apparently down

It has been since (at least) 6am ET. Since that's the home of my Diaspora* account, I haven't any idea if #Checkin for today has happened. Ah well, I'll try again later I guess.
in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

it did
in reply to Lisa Stranger

Thanks. I saw it when came back up later this morning. 💜