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Via Zoe Tillman:

Hello from the DC federal courthouse, where #RudyGiuliani is waiting to get through security as jury selection is set to begin this a.m. to determine how much in damages he'll owe two #Georgia election workers who sued him for defamation.

And jury selection is just getting underway in Rudy Giuliani's damages trial -- Judge Beryl Howell, who was not amused that Giuliani was not in the courtroom at 9am when they were supposed to begin, is presiding #legal 1/…

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Laffy

2/ 🤣HAHAHAHA! Oh man.😂

Via Ryan Reilly:

Giuliani finally got through security.

His belt was still undone, hanging at his waist.

Someone just told him.

He fixed it in the elevator.

He’s now entering court, late, after he failed to show up to a pretrial hearing last week that he was required to attend.

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in reply to Laffy

3/ Via Andrew Weissmann:

The day of (civil) reckoning for Rudy for his actions against plaintiffs Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss. The sole issue for the jury is the amount of damages, including punitive damages

in reply to Laffy

Schrodingers Bankruptcy - when you want someone to be absolutely busted to pennies but also have enough money to pay their victims
in reply to Laffy

4/ Like Trump was going to testify? 🙄 If he does, same potentially disastrous result.

Via Reilly:

Judge Howell tells potential jurors that Giuliani was already found to have defamed the election workers, and that the only question for jury members is how much he's going to have to fork over.

Rudy Giuliani's attorney just told potential jurors that he plans to testify.

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in reply to Laffy

Rudy's testimony should be broadcast live. He'll sound like a squirrel on speed as he tries to read the jury and explain how this is all a misunderstanding and they should have mercy on him and 9/11.
in reply to Laffy

Laffy: Definitely! The only time Donald Dump will testify is when he's forced to do so...
in reply to Laffy

5/ Via Zoe Tillman:

Some of the case-specific questions that the prospective jurors are being asked ahead of individual questioning, incl. whether they believe Biden's 2020 election was illegitimate and if they've ever used the phrase "Let's Go Brandon"

Kristen reshared this.

in reply to Laffy

I like to imagine there's one prospective juror who's totally not a Very Online Person and has a nephew named Brandon and was like "yup, let's go Brandon!"
in reply to Laffy

6/ Via Ryan Reilly:

In the middle of his defamation trial, Rudy Giuliani’s X account just posted link to the far-right conspiracy website Gateway Pundit.

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in reply to Laffy

7/ Via Reilly:

Another potential juror is a journalist with Al Jazeera English who covered Giuliani's lies and followed him on this platform.

Says she has some "pretty strong feelings" about what happened on Jan. 6 and some of the characters involved, but she'd do her best.

She's excused

in reply to Laffy

8/ Via Kyle Cheney:
Minimal eye contact between Giuliani and anyone else in the courtroom, including Moss/Freeman and Judge Howell. Notably, Rudy remained seated when the courtroom deputy asked everyone to rise for the judge as they took break.

Process is moving briskly. At least 6 of 1st 8 jury candidates have been qualified. Magic number 14, decent chance to get there before lunch.

Not sure if Rudy is relieved or offended none have expressed strong feelings about him so far.

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in reply to Laffy

9/ Cheney contd:

A man has engaged Giuliani in the hall to describe some videos on Rumble that appear to relate to Giuliani’s false claims about Freeman/Moss. Giuliani didn’t appear to have any notable reaction

in reply to Laffy

If there were any justice in this world, he would be charged with stochastic terrorism.

At the very least as an accessory to insurrection.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Kevin Leecaster reshared this.

in reply to Tofu Golem

Rudy getting hanged wouldn't even be enough justice for the crimes he's committed imo, but in relation to court, I expect he's so drugged up that he wouldn't react to a naked young girl in front of him today.

Kevin Leecaster reshared this.

in reply to Kevin Leecaster

@GreenFire @tofugolem failing to put his belt and pants back on fully after going thru security and not managing to stand for the judge does suggest some pretty strong self-medication on Rudy's part ...
in reply to Lee Fife

@colo_lee @tofugolem
I imagine it's how these guilty people manage to keep straight faces in situations like this.
in reply to Laffy

And America has a very bad track record of holding fascist terrorists criminally liable.
in reply to Laffy

10/ Via Reilly:

A jury has been seated in Rudy Giuliani's defamation trial. They'll be instructed at 1:30 p.m. and then they'll get to it.

Adventurer reshared this.

in reply to Laffy

Moderator: Let's start at $40 I hear $41 million?
in reply to Laffy

Things move really slowly for the longest time, and then the dam breaks and everything happens so fast. Hoping to see this with the DC case this spring.
in reply to Laffy

They're anticipating the next delay tactic and killing it before Trump's team can get it to the Judge's bench. I approve.
in reply to Laffy

The whole thing gives me the impression Giuliani was drunk as a skunk. He did not rise because he did not hear and comprehend the instructions to rise. He did not react to queries because he did not hear and comprehend them.
in reply to Laffy

11/ Via Reilly:

Giuliani is liable not just for the harm caused by his own actions, but also for the actions of his co-conspirators, the judge tells jurors. Jurors will be required to assume certain facts in calculating damages.

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in reply to Laffy

12/ Via Kyle Cheney:

The trial of Ruby Freeman v. Rudy Giuliani is underway.

It begins with the plaintiffs airing for jurors a long string of graphic threats and racist voice mails Freeman and Moss received.

in reply to Laffy

"Howell emphasized that the panel must assume that Giuliani failed to cooperate with his discovery requirements in the case in an effort to "artificially deflate" his net worth, and that jurors must understand that Giuliani benefitted financially from his defamatory comments about Freeman and Moss."


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in reply to Laffy

via @ryanjreilly
Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer just told a DC jury in his defamation trial that the Georgia election workers he defamed are asking for the “civil equivalent of the death penalty” and that if the jury imposes damages high enough, “It would be the end of Mr. Giuliani.”

Rudy's defamation caused #RubyFreeman & Moss great harm. They had to flee their homes because of the threats. Their lives were ruined. They deserve compensation.
This is NOT about what happens to Rudy next.

Kevin Leecaster reshared this.

in reply to Laffy


Giuliani’s lawyers are saying he’ll kill himself? Because otherwise they are saying this is worse than if he were put in prison for the rest of his life.

in reply to Spocko

The phrase "civil equivalent of the death penalty” here is beyond offensive. It’s repulsive and revolting, and those words aren’t strong enough either 😡
in reply to Laffy

Wow. He won't be merely toast, he'll be a cloud of superheated vapor and a pair of smoking boots.

Fine with me.

in reply to Laffy

If I was I was in the pool of potential jurors and was asked if I had any strong feelings, I would have had to reply that I may in the past have forwarded memes about a certain press conference that the defendant held at a landscaping company.

I wonder if that would disqualify me. 🤔


in reply to Laffy

So, does this mean that someone else is in control of his X account?
in reply to Laffy

@GottaLaff for some reason your 4th update doesn't show on my instance.
in reply to GNU Too


4/ Like Trump was going to testify? 🙄 If he does, same potentially disastrous result.

Via Reilly:

Judge Howell tells potential jurors that Giuliani was already found to have defamed the election workers, and that the only question for jury members is how much he's going to have to fork over.

Rudy Giuliani's attorney just told potential jurors that he plans to testify.

in reply to Laffy

All these people keep (stupidly) putting their trust in Trump and putting themselves in terrible legal situations to help him, and he has never once shown any of them an ounce of loyalty if it would cost him anything at all. Giuliani is on his own.
in reply to Laffy

Yeah Rudy on the stand is not going to happen. BUT...if he does, it will be the best comedy show of the season. Possible title: UNHINGED season 1.
in reply to Laffy

Guess Guliani is going for the Vinnie, the Chin defense

in reply to Laffy

Ewwwww, I hope they made him wash his hands!
in reply to Laffy

Rudy G having belt issues is part of his brand
Unknown parent

@CStamp Me too. I can't believe what they've gone through, continue to go through!
in reply to Laffy

Nice to see something speedy. Can Rudy declare bankruptcy?
in reply to Laffy

> Judge Beryl Howell, who was not amused that Giuliani was not in the courtroom at 9am when they were supposed to begin, is presiding

If the judge wanted him on time, all she had to do was put a pitcher of bloody marys on the defense table.