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The people behind Bluesky/Threads/Post/anything besides ActivityPub/Diaspora protocol federated social web, financially and otherwise, are the exact same people that gave us the calamity of modern social media and tried the exact same market monopoly move with web3/crypto (which I despise for other reasons but that’s a segue). They even sold the latter with the same decentralization and egalitarianism marketing shtick. I’ll be damned if I trust my social media presence to them again. To quote The Wire: “Fuck me once, shame on you. Fuck me twice, shame on me.” #bluesky #fediverse #ActivityPub #BillionairesShouldNotExist #rant
in reply to Hank G ☑️

My first post this morning on the topic was my more Zen mindset mood, while this is my petulant “why can’t the world work the way I want it to” mood…lol
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Why not judge the product for its own costs and benefits instead of trying to judge it based on personalities of promoters?

You might just find that it’s simply better.