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can't believe #friendica does not support alt-text 🤦‍♂️

EDIT: it *does* but adding it in your posts is currently non-trivial

#fedi #alttext #fail #ActivityPub

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to ᴚ uɐᗡ

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

someone replied to one of my posts about how everyone should use all texts with the information that Friendica didn't support it

I've never used Friendica myself
if the process is really that involved I hope they can fix it

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to ᴚ uɐᗡ

@jupiter_rowland @claralistensprechen3rd I mean nobody's going to do whatever it is you just described literally nobody

I say this is one of fedi's biggest fans

in reply to ᴚ uɐᗡ

I did get all that and Jupiter is right about Friendica's use of BBCode. Nonetheless, being a coder is required for that sort of solution.
in reply to ᴚ uɐᗡ

@ᴚ uɐᗡ

if the process is really that involved and if they can fix it

Well, that process is geared towards what Friendica actually is. And Friendica is neither a Twitter-style micro-blogging project nor inspired by Mastodon. It's almost 6 years older than Mastodon, designed as a Facebook alternative and meant to be perfectly capable of long-form macro-blogging.

#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@jupiter_rowland do you think an update is feasible? it sounds like something that could be done in whatever app
in reply to ᴚ uɐᗡ

@ᴚ uɐᗡ If you mean an update that makes Friendica handle 100% like Mastodon to make things easier for Mastodon converts, then no. That'd sacrifice image embedding.

Essentially, Friendica would need an alt-text field for Mastodon-style file attachment images, and it'd need an even more advanced WYSIWYG post editor which includes some kind of alt-text field for each embedded image.

Also, AFAIK, there are no dedicated mobile apps for Friendica, and Friendica doesn't support the Mastodon API due to both being so vastly different from Mastodon in its architecture and six years older than Mastodon. What few general Fediverse apps work with Friendica only work barely so and don't even support a tiny fraction of what Friendica can do. Friendica is typically used in a standard Web browser.

CC: @Clara Listensprechen

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #AltText

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@jupiter_rowland hang on a sec..

how did you reply to that specific part of my toot? If it's a Friendica feature do you know how it encoded it such that it rendered it inline so nicely?

Thank you for your insights :blobcatcoffee:

in reply to ᴚ uɐᗡ

@ᴚ uɐᗡ It's called a quote. Standard feature on Friendica, Hubzilla (where I am), (streams), the now-deceased rest of the family, Misskey and all its forks etc., basically everywhere that isn't Mastodon.

Within Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams), it's handled basically the same way as on good old bulletin-board forums: in BBcode.
[quote]if the process is really that involved and if they can fix it[/quote]

(streams) also has ways of doing that with Markdown or HTML.

There are various different ways of getting that code, also depending on whether one replies to a post or a comment.

ActivityPub uses Rich Text for formatting. So Friendica converts this into the corresponding formatting in Rich Text, and on Hubzilla and (streams), the optional ActivityPub bridge PubCrawl does that.

Mastodon, in turn, has introduced some Rich Text displaying capabilities with version 4.0.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #TextFormatting #BBcode #RichText

in reply to Jupiter Rowland


It's called a quote. Standard feature on Friendica, Hubzilla (where I am), (streams), the now-deceased rest of the family, Misskey and all its forks etc., basically everywhere that isn't Mastodon.

I have much to learn. I am hopeful that Mastodon will allow more in this manner perhaps Rich Text *posting* not just *rendering*, if I am reading you correctly.

in reply to ᴚ uɐᗡ

@jupiter_rowland sure enough this failed as I should have guessed, at least on my end. I wonder though if it rendered properly for you (as a quote)
in reply to ᴚ uɐᗡ

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@jupiter_rowland nice read, thank you!

I also have a small (mostly vanilla Mastodon) instance which at least addresses the character limit thing. I set it to 11001 for reasons.. I almost set it to "the text length of Alice's Restaurant" which would have been *better* reasons. I guess it's not too late.

I do want to be able to use those formatting options though.

in reply to hackbyte (friendica) 13HB1

@hackbyte someone on friendica because it's not I guess is easy to do as it is here... within the media upload of the post

but I've never used it myself

in reply to ᴚ uɐᗡ

@ᴚ uɐᗡ Friendica is unfortunately difficult on a few things, take a look at CW's
in reply to Seph Harrison

@taur10 I just learned about that apparently that's because Mastodon did something new and different, co-opting the summary field or something

so apparently it doesn't really make sense for them to change that on friendico because you still need a summary field that have to add a whole new one

it would be nice if they could figure out the alt text thing now and make that easy

in reply to ᴚ uɐᗡ

As I said above, Friendica's thing is BBCode and since I've already tested the transportability of the formatting, it doesn't translate to other platforms. There was some format portability between Mastodon and Friendica but that's disappeared with the latest version of Mastodon.
in reply to Clara Listensprechen

@Clara Listensprechen Do you happen to know if someone has filed a bug report on Mastodon's GitHub repository? Because this sounds like a bug on Mastodon's side.
in reply to Jupiter Rowland

Well, since I thought it was a feature--no I didn't do a bug report. I'd gotten used to Diaspora-Mastodon incompatibilities as equally normal. As software goes, they're just principly and irreconcilably disparate.
in reply to ᴚ uɐᗡ

No, Friendica is not a software for everyone, nor is it a software that makes you do everything right away. It's not particularly complicated, but it's certainly not as straightforward as Mastodon. That's the great thing about Mastodon, that's the great thing about Friendica. Diversity is the most important and beautiful thing about the Fediverse
in reply to informapirata :privacypride:

Myth: there's a software out there that is for everyone. #FactCheck

Mastodon isn't flawlessly straightforward. Friendica isn't flawlessly straightforward. Diaspora isn't flawlessly straightforward. Twitter sure as hell wasn't. Never ran into any software anywhere that was.

in reply to Clara Listensprechen

@claralistensprechen3rd the definition of "simple" is not... simple! 😅

Lemmy, for example, is the easiest software to use in the Fediverse, even more so than Mastodon, but the audience culture is more akin to Twitter than Reddit: so Mastodon is generally easier to use.
Friendica for example, compared to Hubzilla is very simple, but in terms of user experience it is objectively complex.

in reply to informapirata :privacypride:

@claralistensprechen3rd I am very happy with Friendica and I administer an entire instance (, but I recognize that it is not for everyone and Mastodon lends itself better to immediate communication, without giving up some advanced functions such as CW and alternative text.
This is why everyone must try different software to find the one that best suits their personality and way of communicating