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Awww. #RIP Former Florida Sen. Bob Graham, who chaired the Intelligence Committee following the 2001 terrorist attacks and opposed the Iraq invasion, has died. He was 87.

in reply to Laffy

Aww that's sad news. He was a great Governor! RIP Sir 😔

Incorrigible Maker reshared this.

in reply to Laffy

Graham was such a good guy! My husband met him once at a union meeting, and he still has a letter then-governor Graham sent him after. We were just reminiscing about that two days ago. Now this sad news.

Ps— It’s good to remember Florida wasn’t always the land of desantis & his ilk.


This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to BronMason

@bronakins He was always one of my faves. Your husband was lucky!
in reply to Laffy

Those are the exact words I thought tooting. Then I thought his departure from the Senate began the FL horrendous right turn.