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Librarians have now become the biggest threat to the state of Alabama.

This is lunacy.

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in reply to CandyK

we need to build a wall… across the Mason-Dixon Line.

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in reply to Dave Spector


The Mason -Dixon line boundary doesn't cross Alabama However a wall across swampland bordering Tennessee Georgia & Florida.🤣 😜

in reply to Dave Spector

I’m all for helping anybody to leave like they’d do in East Germany or Cuba, and then built a moat starting at the Atlantic past #TexAss and down to the Gulf of Mexico. Whoever is left can go back to drinking mint juleps while picking cotton with their dainty graceful white supremacist hands Ahh doo deeklahrrrrr!
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Dave Spector

@Dhmspector The best thing Lincoln could have done was to let the South go. Without being bailed out by the north, it would still be a Third World country.
in reply to CandyK

Imagine if we were this proactive about preventing school shootings instead of kids maybe seeing a book with an openly gay people portrayed positively in it.... (pearl clutching horror of horrors I know)...smh...
in reply to CandyK

How can any of these laws be legal given the First Amendment explicitly states the Government can't say what you can and can't read. 🤔