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Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

Hello kitty my old friend
I've come to pet at you again
Because a feeling made me needing
Want your beans on me and kneading
And the feeling that was planted with your purrs
Still occurs
Within the meow of silence
This entry was edited (6 hours ago)

White House Rips ‘Desperate’ Murdoch Press Over Deceptive Biden Video
A member of the White House communications team went after The New York Post on Thursday after it posted on social media a deceptively edited video of President Joe Biden at the G7 economic summit in Italy.

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

Mensch in Chief👇🏼

Statement from President #Biden:

"As I said last week, I am the President, but I am also a Dad. Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today … As I also said last week, I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal. Jill and I will always be there for Hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. Nothing will ever change that."

in reply to Laffy

I'm skeptical. It is incredibly common for Presidents to pardon a lot of people. If his son isn't on that list than bravo, but until then I will remain skeptical, as everyone else should be doing as well. If Trumps wins, why wouldn't Biden pardon his son anyway, it's not like anyone would even care at that point.

Pride and Prejudice - by Doc Impossible
When your whole world screams at you, from the day you’re born, that you’re bad, you’re wrong, and that you should be ashamed of yourself… well, it’s hard to not believe that. The omnipresence of a belief based on social stigma makes it almost impossible to avoid picking up at least some of it. This is called self-stigma, and self-stigma is the mother-category of all sorts of really awful things, from internalized racism to internalized transphobia to any number of self-reinforcing self-hating beliefs. And self-stigma is bad. Really bad.

#Pride #Pride2024 #LGBTQIA #LGBT #trans #transgender #shame #SelfStigma

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

2024 is a mega election year and the EU elections are taking place this week. This is the 2nd largest election in the world - around 350 million people are eligible to vote.

Just like the elections in India and the USA this year - this one is very important for coexistence on our planet. Therefore, we want to use our reach and call on all those who are entitled to vote to make their voice heard.

We must not leave the EU to the far-right parties and must defend our democracies. Please vote.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Pride 2024
I attended the local Pride celebration on Saturday, 1-June-2024. It was my first Pride since 2012, back in Houston.

(continued at link)

#Fibro #Fibromyalgia #spoonie #LGBT #LGBTCommunity #Pride2024 #Trans #TransJoy #Transgender

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

We realise, acknowledge, and accept that there are many of our friends and found siblings whom we cannot help right now :MentalHealthFlagHeart:

We just want you to know that we and others will be there to support you to the best of our respective abilities :MentalHealthFlagButterfly:

In the meantime, please let us reiterate that:

  • You are not a failure.
  • You are not a burden.
  • You do matter.

We are limiting what we do individually to support folks right now for our own mental wellbeing, but you are in our heart and mind right now, and you have not been forgotten :PinkHeart:

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in reply to Evie (SleepyCatten)

and in turn, you are loved (cos I speak with your amazing partner) and cared for and very much on my "Send hugs. Lots of hugs" list

spoonies group reshared this.

On being a spoonie, and life in IT

I was up until 1am this morning, handling a customer data recovery issue. I slept until just past 8am (with about an hour total of intermittent wakefulness). I’m really short of spoons today. Just a shower and getting dressed took everything I had. So today will likely be a “do nothing” kind of day.

#spoonie #SpoonieLife #ITLife

@spoonies group

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation | Religion Dispatches
The Christian Right, which has been an increasingly powerful factor in American politics for decades, has benefited from a strangely persistent culture of denialism. We needn’t review the number of times that reporters, scholars, and religious leaders declared that the Christian Right was dead, dying, or significantly diminished. That it’s still here and stronger than ever is sufficient reason for all of us to try to get it right.

#ChristianNationalism #ChristoFascism #Trumpism #NewApolstolicReformation

The warning Anne Frank offers us about Trump
We live in an America where far too many people don’t believe “it” can happen here. That “it” is an American form of fascism ushered in by Trump and his MAGA movement. That means far too many Americans are not paying attention to what Trump is promising his supporters he will do if he wins, including his repeated vow to “liberate our country” from those he views as political enemies. (And yes, that is LITERALLY what Trump has been promising his supporters—and they love it.)

#Trumpism #Fascism #Authoritarianism

Please take 2 minutes out of your day and watch Pete Buttigieg perfectly articulate why Republicans behave the way that they do, and how it harms people more than it could ever help.

#trans #transgender #PeteButtigieg #LGBT #LGBTQIA #GOP

Rep. Jasmine Crockett Files Application to Trademark ‘Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body’ - Shine My Crown

I'm sorry. This is not funny, to me. I believe that, even if I were not #trans I would be very uncomfortable using a woman's appearance to attack her. We should be better than this. But because I am trans, the "Butch Body" part of this is especially upsetting. I've tried not to comment so far, but this just too much.

Don't get me wrong. MTG is a horrible person, and I say that as a recent resident of Georgia.

#JasmineCrockett #BleachBlondeBadBuiltButchBody #MTG

in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

I understand your discomfort about attacks on personal appearance.

Sadly, our society reduces women/girls into pretty objects. Just look at the media. And this makes it more difficult for us (older) #trans women. In order to be accepted as "real" women, we have to play into the attractiveness game (passing).

[I encountered a trans influencer who viewed passing as a distraction from self image. But, hypocritically, she was young and pretty.]

in reply to Richelle Sparrow


You are very right. That's definitely part of where I see an issue. But as I noted, I really want to believe I'd still find this deeply troubling, even if I were not trans, or for that matter, a woman.

Of course, I can't know that for certain. I've always been trans, and a woman, even while I deluded myself otherwise.

I appreciate your thoughts. Thank you Richelle. 💜

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

People saying we learned cursive for nothing. Sheesh. I don't know about you guys but I cursive all the fucking time.

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in reply to Deniz Opal Deniz Opal reshared this.

gonna fucken write that down all fucken fancy n shit

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

⚠️Yet another #recall 🐶

Mars Petcare Recalls Bags of Pedigree Adult Complete Nutrition Due To Potential Loose Metal Contamination… - Johns Hopkins is doing a long-COVID survey and apparently is having trouble finding controls -- people who haven't had COVID. If this is you, consider giving them some clicks.

Why Do Republicans Try to Eradicate Transgender & LGBTQ Americans? | Prism & Pen
I feel obligated to quote from J.M. Barrie (author of Peter Pan) via the voice of Cylon No. Six from the second series of Battlestar Galactica:

“All this has happened before.
All this will happen again.
I want off this murder carousel.”

#trans #transgender #LGBTQ #pogrom #GOP #hatred #fascism

in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

It must have something to do with them being convinced that proximity/appeasement will save them.

It's co-dependency, like the mother telling her kids 'not to bother your father, he's had a long day' when he's drunk and prone to beating them and her.

It's one of the things that drives me nuts about the Democrats: the endless Scoot-to-the-Reich. We're in the endgame, now, with the choice between a nominal democracy and an authoritarian state obsessed with women's yayas, pronouns, and immigrants.

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

This is horrible and all, truly awful.

But am I the only one that sees a golden retriever wearing glasses?

in reply to Roknrol

I feel awful about it, but yes, the same optical illusion happened to me.

Doctor Who's David Tennant slams anti-trans bigots: 'F**k off'
Tennant said his sentiment comes from simply “wanting people to be allowed to exist” and accepting that “ways of expressing gender identity [and] sexuality are more nuanced than they once were”, adding: “If that helps people to know who they are, say who they are, and communicate to the world who they are, it’s just common sense.”

#trans #transgender #DavidTennant #ally

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More people regret having children than having gender-affirming care, study finds

Transition-related regret is considerably lower than that which follows having children, abortions and even knee surgery – despite what some right-wing pundits would have you believe.

#trans #transgender #RegretRates #transition

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

This not just a women's issue. Every American should be concerned about republican continued dominance in Congress. They are targeting our freedoms. They already are constantly looking for ways limit our votes.

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Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

Just Voted ✅

In the always amusing twist, my ID looks absolutely nothing like me, and is of course waved through.

#VoterID does absolutely nothing to stop fraud, it just disenfranchises people.

#elections2024 #ElectionDay

in reply to Critical Cupcake

funny. just checked my ID. it looks nothing like you, either! creepy...

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

I would like to be a practicing witch, but no tradition of which I've heard rings true for me. But this may be because I have only heard of things as echoes down hallways.

(Sharing a brain with someone consumed by the mathematical tradition hasn't helped. We are agreed on many things, but ways of seeking and practicing have not been among them.)

I wish foremost to be able to calm or to empower others, and to disrupt dark ruminations, through ritual, symbols, and goods. Though I expect that learning from a teacher would be best, I seek sources from which to learn, if anyone knows of any.

— Rowena

in reply to The McKennas 🏳️‍⚧️ ♾️ 💖

I can relate, to the mathematical skepticism. I think far too much for Alice to ever be able to find solace in supernatural traditions.
in reply to just A


I cannot say for certain that Nellie and I are wholly reconciled, on our views of the world. She is certainly a materialist, and prefers methods of the sort that she would call 'engineering'. But she also concedes the limits in scope and the existence of mysteries, among which are our own existence. And, even in her own discipline, she has come to recognise the wisdom of a multiplicity of interpretations of signs.

And for my part, I do not seek to escape from the world that is. I seek ways to navigate it, yet unexplored by us here, with more joy and resolve for us and ours, by learning tried ways to weave meaning from its threads.

— Rowena

4th Circuit rules gender identity is a protected characteristic
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Monday that transgender people are a protected class and that Medicaid bans on trans care are unconstitutional.

#trans #transgender #TransRightsAreHumanRights

Peering into the Corrupt Court’s Pretensions and Corruption

Gift link.

There were so many things that happened yesterday in the Supreme Court’s hearing on presidential immunity that it’s hard to know where to start. But one part that captured it for me was Sam Alito’s line of argument that presidential immunity might be necessary to make it possible for presidents to leave office voluntarily, or that not having some broad grant of immunity would make refusal to leave office more likely.

#SupremeCourt #TrumpImmunity #USPol #SCOTUS

in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

Unless and until we have do-overs/negation of "accomplishments", the shenanigans will continue. Because they work.

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

They will write books about the demonization and scapegoating of trans people.


How Anti-Trans Efforts Misuse and Distort Science

in reply to AlexTECPlayz

My wife just shared the same warning with me from a Twitter post by WhatTheTrans.

I trust WhatTheTrans, so I'd say this is worth taking seriously.

Stay extra cautious folks :TransHeart:

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A Second Trump Presidency Would Be A Nightmare Scenario For Transgender People
Authored by former Trump officials and dozens of right-wing organizations including the Heritage Foundation, nearly every page of Project 2025 details policies that would impact LGBTQ+ people — and there’s a particular focus on transgender people. On the very first page of the manifesto, Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts laments the “corruption” of the country “under the ruling and cultural elite” whose children “suffer the toxic normalization of transgenderism with drag queens and pornography invading their school libraries.”

#trans #transgender #USpol #DJT #Trump

Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

I dreamed last night that someone asked me for my email address, and I took a business card and wrote it on the back, and was reeeaaaallly struggling to get the letters legible, and told the person well you see I'm asleep and dreaming and we struggle with text in dreams because that part of our brains isn't very active, and the person nodded and said I've noticed the same thing, and never dream about writing. I said yeah, I'm such a text based person I dream about it anyway but poorly.

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in reply to smellsofbikes

I routinely dream about trying to send someone a text from my phone and being unable to do it. So often, in fact, that the most recent time I realized that I must be asleep so I closed my eyes in the dream and could hear my wife snoring, and then I opened my eyes back into the dream, said to myself “yes I’m asleep”, put away my phone, and continued my dream business.
in reply to Jake von Slatt

@vonslatt that was the part of this I liked so much, that I seemed to know what was happening but continued to have a conversation with someone that I knew was imaginary

Anti-Trans Missouri A.G. Can Now Access Trans People’s Medical Records | The New Republic
A St. Louis judge has ruled that Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is entitled to Planned Parenthood’s transgender care records, ordering the nonprofit to turn over some of its most sensitive files to the man who has built his unelected political career on restricting health care access for trans people.

#trans #transgender #Hate #Missouri #AndrewBailey #HIPAA