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Why Do Republicans Try to Eradicate Transgender & LGBTQ Americans? | Prism & Pen
I feel obligated to quote from J.M. Barrie (author of Peter Pan) via the voice of Cylon No. Six from the second series of Battlestar Galactica:

“All this has happened before.
All this will happen again.
I want off this murder carousel.”

#trans #transgender #LGBTQ #pogrom #GOP #hatred #fascism

in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

Toxic masculinity. They are inculcated from birth with the notion that they are/must be in control, and that Things Happen because they make them happen.

Nothing in this world requires your permission or understanding to exist.

in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

@Bob Lai

Sadly, that doesn't explain Republican women. Expand it to patriarchy? Then it starts to fit.

in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

Sadly, that doesn’t explain Republican women.

I don't entirely get them either. It must have something to do with them being convinced that proximity/appeasement will save them. If they haven't seen the error of that logic by now, I don't know what to tell them.

in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

It must have something to do with them being convinced that proximity/appeasement will save them.

It's co-dependency, like the mother telling her kids 'not to bother your father, he's had a long day' when he's drunk and prone to beating them and her.

It's one of the things that drives me nuts about the Democrats: the endless Scoot-to-the-Reich. We're in the endgame, now, with the choice between a nominal democracy and an authoritarian state obsessed with women's yayas, pronouns, and immigrants.