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Rep. Jasmine Crockett Files Application to Trademark ‘Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body’ - Shine My Crown

I'm sorry. This is not funny, to me. I believe that, even if I were not #trans I would be very uncomfortable using a woman's appearance to attack her. We should be better than this. But because I am trans, the "Butch Body" part of this is especially upsetting. I've tried not to comment so far, but this just too much.

Don't get me wrong. MTG is a horrible person, and I say that as a recent resident of Georgia.

#JasmineCrockett #BleachBlondeBadBuiltButchBody #MTG

in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

I understand your discomfort about attacks on personal appearance.

Sadly, our society reduces women/girls into pretty objects. Just look at the media. And this makes it more difficult for us (older) #trans women. In order to be accepted as "real" women, we have to play into the attractiveness game (passing).

[I encountered a trans influencer who viewed passing as a distraction from self image. But, hypocritically, she was young and pretty.]

in reply to Richelle Sparrow


You are very right. That's definitely part of where I see an issue. But as I noted, I really want to believe I'd still find this deeply troubling, even if I were not trans, or for that matter, a woman.

Of course, I can't know that for certain. I've always been trans, and a woman, even while I deluded myself otherwise.

I appreciate your thoughts. Thank you Richelle. 💜