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❄️ freezr ❄️ reshared this.

Despite my personal crisis I found the time to write a #gemlog for my capsule...

This is my personal take on the current status of #diaspora and marginally the #fediverse.

Gemini: gemini://


Thanks... 🙏

freezr reshared this.

in reply to ❄️ freezr ❄️

I'm always hesitant to mention big project devs like this because I don't want them to get spammed with unnecessary notifications anymore than they already are.

However, is the man to question. (hope this doesn't cause a spam attack Ryan😬 )

@[url=]diaspora* HQ[/url] and #Diaspora devs...

The #Fediverse is under an #EEE attack, and next to unavoidable #enshittification, I believe this is the time the project can get again its momentum...

These are my recommendations for making Diaspora more appealing to old and new comers:

  • Multi column layout, today's monitors are 16:9 one column layout force anyone to scroll for nothing.
  • Editing posts, while I don't consider this essential, people get used to have it, and Diaspora had better to provide it.
  • #Hashtag collection, this would be cool, so you can narrow down your stream a get content separated when you want focus on specific topics.

Anyone is invited to partecipate!

Hi, #retrogame lovers,
I am looking for the best exclusive "third party" titles for #Snes.
I mean: no porting; no conversions; no multi-platforms!

Can you help me with that?
Thanks! 🙏

#retrogaming #nintendo #emulation

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in reply to ❄️ freezr ❄️

my favourite SNES native is probably Super Punch Out. Simple to learn but rewards repeat play and with some great presentation.

I never cared much for Mario, Zelda or Metroid but Punch Out or Starfox are my stand out titles that still get played today...

in reply to Zorro


Thank you Zorro, Punch-out is a Nintendo exclusive, which is already included in SNES Mini Classic though...

Ci sono domande alle quali, certe volte, un genitore non sa rispondere… 😔

La domanda di mio figlio è stata…

Papà come erano fatti Daitarn I e Daitarn II?

La mia reazione… 🤯
In effetti non aveva tutti i torti… 🤔


❄️ freezr ❄️ reshared this.

in reply to ❄️ freezr ❄️

"While the Fediverse has seen an explosion of features involving chat, multimedia, live streaming, groups, events, and more, some people would say that the network suffers from a few glaring omissions."

We are lucky to have the #TechBros among us, and they are coming to save us for this lacking protocol named ActivityPub.

#TechBros will give us essential things like being able to pay to view post and other nice things that goes well with centralization.

in reply to Hank G ☑️

in reply to ❄️ freezr ❄️

@Hank G ☑️

I take advantage of this moment for a question about Relatica.

I naively thought it would be provided through F-Droid or through a repo compatible with F-Droid.

Do you plan in the future to release it for F-Droid as well?

It looks like the interaction between #Tusky & #Friendica has improved a lot... Some years ago I remember a quite poor experience, and as a matter of fact I used to post with #Dandelior on mobile and with Friendica on the desktop. 🤔

Holy shit...

I have been fighting with an #XML command for three weeks, and it is only now I realized that I misunderstood its behavior... 🤦‍♂️

This is the worst #Pebcak ever... 😖

I've just learned to not use the "title" on #Friendica otherwise #Mastodon folks get a link rather than a post...

p.s. this is not confirmed yet! 🤫

Social Media Feed reshared this.

Almost there...

I almost finished to setup my #Friendica account... 💪

I need just to limiting the booster/reshared post, although on Friendica are lesser invasive than on #Mastodon... 🤔

However Friendica continues to seem to me the slower social media, while #Diaspora the faster of the three mentioned... 🤔

Social Media Feed reshared this.

Hide shared post/thread

#Friendica #Help

Hi folks, is there a way to hide/disable #boosts or #reshared posts/threads on Friendica?

I have been looking into the settings but I couldn't find anything, perhaps using the filters?

Thanks... 🙏

in reply to ❄️ freezr ❄️

The settings are slightly different from the last time I used it.

I wonder if there is a method to show all the saves searches at glance, rather than going one after another... 🤷‍♂️

Thanks... 🙏


Hi guys I am #newhere but not new to the Fediverse!

It is nice to come back to a better (imho) social media paradigm, but I think that I am going to split my presence on both Friendica and Mastodon!

I write mainly about #FreeBSD, #Gemini and #Pebcak.

See you around! 😉