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dynamic reshared this.

I recently received some spam mentions on this account, and couldn't figure out how to report it to the Friendica admin. I know that on Mastodon there's a menu item for each message to report it. Is there an equivalent tool on Friendica?

#Friendica #moderation #spam

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This entry was edited (6 months ago)

utzer [Friendica] reshared this.

in reply to Dynamic

I would totally love to see somebody working on UI/UX of Friendica. The software itself works crazily well, does amazingly huge lot of stuff and only thing it lacks is as awesome frontend as backend is.

But i still hope someday a hero will appear :)

in reply to Schmaker

Thanks for your comment.

What are the main areas of UI / UX that you see as needing work?

in reply to Dynamic

@Dynamic I'm not an UI/UX guy, so it's hard to tell how to do it properly, but what i could image is:
- in terms of fluency, UI should be lag-free (there is nothing easier than putting running circle to page instead of watching static page until something happens), no pages anywhere, also - clicking back should instantly bring you where you left the timeline, just like (for example) mastodon does
- in terms of UX i think left bar on "network" page is totally wrong, but i really can't tell why
- I can for example imagine actual timeline (maybe with heatmap?) on right side when viewing profile timelines to find out what the hell was that guy doing in 1998 :)
- also, inconsistent behavior of pages here and there is something that feels wierd
- photo and photoalbum management could use total overhaul imho

But as i said, I'm not UI/UX expert, I only would like to see somebody who is, that would actually work on these :)

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Schmaker

@Schmaker @Dynamic you're not here long... it was much worse and there was a huge step some years back.
in reply to utzer [Friendica]

@utzer [Friendica] That's great to know. I'm definitely not complaining, the work behind Friendica is huge and all the respect goes to every single one developer behind it

Everything can change at any time and I'm fine with it :)

in reply to Schmaker

@Schmaker @Dynamic I just meant, it already came a long way.

Yes, thanks to the few developers they do a great job since I joined in 2015.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
Unknown parent

@Hank G ☑️ well, it is RC phase. I think there is still some issues like the one I mentioned that are blocking the release... it is a unusual long RC phase and I think the release was planned for 09.2023.

dynamic reshared this.

Do you remember Diaspora? It was our first hope for a people's replacement for Facebook ( I gather that a few people still use it, though my social spheres the experience seemed to be that people briefly got excited and then nothing came of it.
in reply to Dynamic

I'm partly mentioning Diaspora now because among its zillion other features, Friendica federates with Diaspora. So, if by some chance you happen to still have an active Diaspora account, feel free to follow me from there as well...

Dynamic reshared this.

“No extra credit, plenty of retakes: This Philly middle school has embraced ‘grading for equity’: Science Leadership Academy Middle School is "grading for equity," which lets students redo tests and focuses on understanding.”

in reply to Ignacio Gallup-Diaz

Heh. I had classes in grad school that did this. My psychopathology class handed out the take-home final exam early in the term, offered as many redos of it as you wanted so long as the class was in session, and you were welcome to start submitting it, whole or in part, as early in the term as you wanted. Want to write your answer to the psychosis question the day the prof lectured on that and email it in that evening? Go for it.

This is what you do when you really, really, really want absolutely *every* student to *completely* master the material. Which this professor was very invested in for this class.

Dynamic reshared this.

I just called representatives in Congress to support the Big Wires Act. ⚡

I am Democracy, and so can you! 🙃

#electrifyAllTheThings #advocacy

Dynamic reshared this.

Dynamic reshared this.

'“Please consider how crazy this system is,” Boyd told delegates from scores of nations attending the hearing. “States that are trying to tackle the climate and environmental crisis and safeguard the human rights of their people are being forced to pay billions of dollars in compensation to the very corporations that have caused this crisis. Instead of making polluters pay, states are paying polluters.”

We need sharper, principled policy makers.


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in reply to Dave Lane 🇳🇿

While we do need them, the current political landscape actively keeps principled people out.
in reply to tyil

yup. I've known some good ones... but they either eventually become cynical and turn bad, or they drop out.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Hmm. Somehow the posts I made last night ended up as "Private" posts. Not sure how that happened.
Unknown parent

Yes. Specifically, I had written a post where I used #Friendica instead of "Friendica" in the sentence, and on Mastodon the post seemed to just stop at that word.
Unknown parent


Useful to know. Thank you!

Also glad to see that our server is back up!

Dynamic reshared this.

Is there any good alternative to Patreon other than just making your own website and hoping people donate through that? I had some ideas for projects I could put on Patreon but I'm just not sure they'd get enough interest for the cost/time of running my own website to be worth it for me 🙃

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Unknown parent

Dynamic reshared this.

Very thoughtful piece on the decision to quit flying, from Kate Siber. Really makes one question the assumptions one has as an elite, for which flying has become routine and unquestioned.

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in reply to John McCutcheon

Still not kidding about sailing to Borneo to see the forest ants. I know I could make it happen sooner by flying. But I can’t justify it and this bigger project is more interesting. There is so much to see just in NYC. And even more by train.

myrmepropagandist reshared this.

in reply to myrmepropagandist

@futurebird And sailing is just so great! Of course I'd want a door, and a reasonable assurance of safety, and the time and money ...hmm this is sounding complicated, but so appealing!

in reply to Dynamic

In this subthread, I'm specifically replying to my replies in order to create structure that will translate well to Mastodon. This is not my preference, but most of my audience will be on Mastodon, so I need to think about that.
in reply to Dynamic

The good news for cross platform thread accessibility is that Friendica also allows much longer posts, so there's less need to rely on Twitter-style reply-to-reply-to-reply-to-reply threading for writing longer posts. You can just post a little essay.

Of course, longform essays can create their own annoyances over on Mastodon, but here we are.

in reply to Dynamic

It seems to have flagged Dreamwidth's Captcha Check as content, which is unfortunate. I'll have to try later with a non-Dreamwidth RSS feed.