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in reply to Clay Rivers

Thank you for posting this, and best continued healing wishes to your mother.
in reply to Maria

Maria, thanks for taking time to give it a read. And especially the well wishes for my mom. ❤️
in reply to Clay Rivers

I'm so sorry about your mother's accident, and so glad she has good and kind people making the experience less of a nightmare. All the best to her. And to you. Please take care of yourself, as well, in this stressful time.
in reply to thepoliticalcat

Thank you for your support. I hope to take to@prow as a day to do as little as possible.
in reply to Clay Rivers

Thank you for the personal and moving editorial. Best wishes for your Mom's speedy recovery. I think the odds are in her favor. 💗

Loved the photo. Makes it totally clear that FL looks exactly like a very friendly, snub-nosed pistol, or that other sexual thing.

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Ray N. Franklin 🇺🇸

Thank you, Ray. I’ll be sure to pass the well wishes on to her. I didn’t even address her indomitable spirit. Just when you think you know someone well, a crisis comes and they show you without hesitation the depth of their character. She’s amazing.

And here I though the main image was was a happy image juxtaposed against the current horrors. 😝

in reply to Clay Rivers

they're just totally proud of their hateful bigotry too. this was a distressing and disgusting reponse to the NAACP from rick scott, a real POS.

in reply to Anne Ominous

I didn’t read any further than the title of The Hill’s article. It’s enough knowing they’ll say and do whatever to retain power. If they’ll let kids get murdered in schools what *won’t* they do. 🙄
in reply to Clay Rivers

I'm somewhat confused: your article briefly mentioned some neo-nazis, gestures towards the broader institutional threats to various groups, then recounts how caring and effective your mother's treatment is. that doesn't sound worse than what I thought about Florida. the former is well known, while the latter just demonstrates that there are good folks in the state too.
@ourhumanfam @blackmastodon @BlackMastodon
in reply to 🌸🌹2ck 🌱🐇


There were several things at the top of my mind: the NAACP travel ban, the Nazis out in public, and dropping all that to care for my mother. The piece is a juxtaposition of those who care nothing for others against those whose duty is to care for the well being of others. Both were a bit surprising, the bad and the good. But it sounds like you got the gist of the piece. Thanks for giving the piece your time and commenting.


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