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Hmm. Somehow the posts I made last night ended up as "Private" posts. Not sure how that happened.
in reply to Dynamic

Anyway, here's what I wrote last night (mini-thread)...
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Turns out my Friendica feed has pages instead of infinite scroll. I think I'm in love.


dynamic reshared this.

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I also just discovered that there's a feature that enables me to save posts to named folders. Wild!
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On the other hand, there are post interactions for both "Like" and "Add star". What do they do? Unclear. I know that "Liking" a post means I get notifications every time someone responds to it, though, so I'll be using that one with extreme caution.
in reply to Dynamic

Further observation: it appears that mid-text hashtags break Mastodon's view of Friendica posts.

I ended up editing the above post with the Friendica hashtag in order to correct this.

Unknown parent

Yes. Specifically, I had written a post where I used #Friendica instead of "Friendica" in the sentence, and on Mastodon the post seemed to just stop at that word.
Unknown parent


Useful to know. Thank you!

Also glad to see that our server is back up!