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in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 Neither the #USA, nor #Israel are perfect & both have made mistakes & have had poor leaders… At least American soldiers didn’t call their families from murdered Vietnamese phones to brag about how many they killed with their own hands. #IDF takes great pains to minimize civilian casualties… #JihadistDeathCults like #Hamas relish death & martydom of “infidels” & Muslims alike. There is no reasoning or negotiation possible w/savage & suicidal religious zealots.
in reply to Martin Ruskov

@mapto @anubis2814 comparison to what? This?

in reply to Properganda

@Properganda @anubis2814 both sides show genocidal intent. Yes, Hamas does it more violently. Israel knows to be more careful in its appearance, but even before October this year has been the most violent one, with Palestinian victims being much more, and with West Bank being under continuous pressure by armed settlers with documented government and military support

Clara Listensprechen reshared this.

in reply to Properganda

@Properganda @anubis2814
"#IDF takes great pains to minimize civilian casualties…"

Not so sure about that.

in reply to Sibrosan

@sibrosan @anubis2814
OK, then you can believe #HamasMinistryOfHealth & the blatantly #Antiisrael #UN & I’ll believe all knowledgeable & credible like this Palestinian & #sonofhamas

in reply to anubis2814

Plenty of people said that was wrong at the time too, including many veterans.
in reply to Randahl Fink

I'm thinking it's still supposed to be wrong... but that nobody's got the stones to band together to enforce international war crimes laws. So Putin is killing off Ukrainian people, now with impunity because we're bored of that (& nobody remembers the USSR), & this Hamas thing has better underground tunnels... kind of like what El Chapo built to bring crazy amounts of drugs from Mexico into SoCal, in the desert. We have no attention span or commitment.
in reply to Randahl Fink

Does @randahl know RAF did the same thing to cities like Darmstadt when fighting against Nazis? With much less concern for children than Israel shows in Gaza.
in reply to Randahl Fink

However paid trolls, hate mongers, racists and Biden will disagree with you.
Unknown parent

@snack troll and whataboutism. But hamas but hamas sounds a lot like MAGA "but her emails".
in reply to Zilla

@ZillaMon @snack
Both a condemnable. However Israel is the one with all the power to make the difference, and should choose peace over territory, but it always chooses territory.
in reply to Randahl Fink

Because when you were a child, hospitals weren't used as military headquarters
Unknown parent


"When you grew up, did the hospitals contain Hamas HQ?"

Do they now, actually? It's being used as an excuse, but where's the proof?

in reply to EyalL

@EyalL if all nations killed thousands of civilians every time criminals did something illegal, we would all be dead.
in reply to Randahl Fink

It's still wrong.
Some folks just don't care.
(See; The bombing of Dresden).
Unknown parent

Randahl Fink

@andrewfelix imagine this being Sydney or Copenhagen, and the local police SWAT team said,

"Sure we bombed a couple of the hospitals, a university and a few places of worship, but that was all because a terrorist group did something wrong!"

in reply to Randahl Fink

Israel isn't aiming to kill civilians, it's fighting an enemy in an urban environment, who is intentionally locating their militants, their hq, their weapons manufacturing and storage, right in schools, hospitals, in civilian apartments

The only way to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza is to surrender to Hamas, which btw would yield many Israeli civilian casualties

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to Randahl Fink

Still is. Some jerks just don't care about anyone except themselves.
in reply to Randahl Fink

When I grew up, the leaders of our enemies cared about their children and their own sick. They attacked us from army bases. They did not fire at us from the homes of their own babies, and from the hospitals of their own sick.

Nowadays, the have turned the homes of their babies and the hospitals of theior own sick into army bases. Israel attacks army bases, regardless of how they call them.

It's sad that this is the world we must live in. But we must fight those who shoot at us.

in reply to EyalL

@EyalL You know very well, civilian casualty counts depends on the type of mission chosen.

Whenever there is a group of terrorists in a shopping mall in an EU country, we send in the SWAT team to kill the terrorists. We do not bomb the entire mall with civilians inside.

Israel has chosen to drop 1,000 bombs per day on an area with a population density of London. That was not the only option, but Israel chose this solution, and that choice has led to civilian casualties.

There is no excuse.

in reply to Randahl Fink

@Randahl Fink Many times hit hospital in Ashkelon and nobody in the world demonstrated. No, there is no military HQ in this hospital. Not like in Gaza.



By Gazans murdered children I will not post.

in reply to Martin Kostera

@martin the answer is to kill every single member of Hamas. The answer is not to indiscriminately bomb an area with a population density of London thereby killing thousands of civilians.
Unknown parent

When you grew up did you ignore the war crime of using civilian structures like hospitals for military purposes (as well as storing hostages taken which is also a war crime)?
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to Randahl Fink

When you grew up #hamas had not yet invented the ultimate propaganda weapon: running a terror organization hiding behind women and children in a hospital.
Unknown parent


@snack war? How can oppressed people living in worlds largest concentration camp be at war? apartheid and the oprressed had enough of their chains. once again. How can they be at war with a nuclear power with a weapons budget of billions of $ ?

And people like you support mass killings, sadist tortures, collective punishment, because?

Btw, idf has been using human shields (children too), for decades. you probably never really question your sources.

in reply to uhuru

@uhuru @snack they butn d civilians alive you ghoul. They cut the fingers of a boy in front of a father, then cut the feet of the father, before they killed them. They sat down and finished the breakfast of the families as their bodies lay around. They took smoking breaks as they dragged foreign workers into killing rooms. They took many hours killing civilians. They proudly called their mothers to brag. They streamed the killings. There is no give and take.
in reply to Avi

@uhuru @ashmueli @snack

The horrific violence of 7 October can no more justify killing Palestinian children than the ongoing mass murder of Palestinian children could justify another 7 October.

Suffering an undeserved harm cannot justify causing unjustified harm. If it did, it would apply as equally to innocent Palestinians as it does to innocent Israelis.

Unknown parent

AndrewFelix 🐀 🇵🇸
@snack you’re equating Israel’s actions with terrorists; that Civilian deaths are a legitimate price for military objectives.
Unknown parent


@gavinisdie @mapto @TruthSandwich

Hamas’ war crime of using human shields can no more justify the killing of innocent people than the IDF’s war crime of using human shields can justify the killing of innocent people.

in reply to Randahl Fink

when I grew up, terrorists had the dignity to not use civilians and hospitals as human shields. It was just wrong.
in reply to Rebolek

@rebolek that is not true. Airplane hijacking is just one example.
in reply to Randahl Fink

was it also wrong to unleash tunnels underneath one and stockpile weapons and fuel and let terrorists live and work there? Wa s or wrong for terrorist to hold patients hostage at gunpoint, so that no one would try to root the terrorists out or the hospital and out of the tunnels? Or do you let terrorists live and work from your home, pretending you too are a civilian?
in reply to Miriam Jacobs

Yeah, those things were also wrong.

There’s this really simple saying that I can’t quite remember but I feel is relevant here. Something about two wrongs not making something. Can’t put my finger on it tho.

Unknown parent

gavinisdie :troll:
doesnt matter, Hospitals are Hospitals
Unknown parent

Martin Ruskov
@TruthSandwich @gavinisdie there are still civilians inside, they should be protected even when in military bases. This is exactly the reason _both_sides_ use them as human shields
in reply to Randahl Fink

How about landing paratroopers in foreign countries, kidnapping people from music festivals, taking people hostage, using your neighbors and families as human shields, and killing children in their commune beds?

Were those things also wrong when you were growing up?

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to Randahl Fink

@EyalL “criminals” is downright disingenuous. A criminal is someone stealing a purse. Hamas was the de facto army of Gaza’s government.
in reply to Randahl Fink

@EyalL what you would have Israel do is send soldiers in to chase terrorists in their territory, right?

This way a lot more Israelis die, and are captured, to compensate for Hamas using their civilians as shields.

Basically you are asking Israel to trade Jewish lives for Palestinian lives.

in reply to HeavenlyPossum

@HeavenlyPossum @TruthSandwich

One thing can be multiple war crimes (that you don’t bother to discuss) and another can be fighting terrorism with casualties wrongly called war crimes.

A look at your posting history shows this to be true. Your swallowing Hamas PR, including claims that Israel bombed a hospital (when multiple outside investigators found it was Islamic State) and your repeated posts about “pro-IDF denialists” says everything…

… including why I’m blocking you.

Unknown parent

Randahl Fink
@yasman well said. Hamas has made that choice. Not the civilians.
@TruthSandwich @mapto @gavinisdie
in reply to Randahl Fink

@EyalL that’s why I wrote de facto.

Israel withdrew unilaterally exited Gaza in 2005, Gazans elected Hamas. In what regards *internal* matters , it’s not on anybody else except Gazans to kick Hamas out of power. Self determination, remember?

Unknown parent


@gavinisdie @yasman @mapto @randahl

Collective punishment is a war crime, even if it were true that Hamas is the elected government.

Unknown parent

@TruthSandwich @sibrosan how many civilians is it ok to kill per Hamas member? One? Ten? A thousand? Would it be ok to nuke Gaza? It'd be Hamas fault after all, right?
Unknown parent

@TruthSandwich that's great, I hope no terrorist ever decides to hide wherever you live
Unknown parent


@TruthSandwich 5. Besides cruel and illegal, this is guaranteeing whatever comes after Hamas a torrent of recruits.

6: your remark on Palestinians is genocide apology "it's ok, they're all animals anyway".

Unknown parent

1. More than half of Gaza was *born* after Hamas was last elected.
2. There hasn't been a vote since.
3. Netanyahu propped and financed Hamas. Without Israel's government's strategy, Hamas would be a few hundred guys in the lunatic fringe.
4. You don't get to Kill ten thousand people and say it's fine because there were 60 terrorist in between and claim it's just fine
Unknown parent



This is psychopathic

in reply to Randahl Fink

When I was a kid it was okay if they were Iraqi

Clara Listensprechen reshared this.

Unknown parent


@steviesyerda @anubis2814
Congratulations on being a brainwashed supporter of violent jihad & #fascism

#Hamas #Iran #Putin #CCP & #KimJungUn and tyrants & terrorists everywhere, thank you for your service.

Unknown parent

@steviesyerda @mapto @anubis2814
Thanks for displaying your ignorance & brainwashing on the topic. 🤡
I suggest you go live under Sharia Law, Putin’s Russia, China or North Korea, since that’s obviously the culture & systems you prefer to democracy. #FascistFan
Unknown parent


@steviesyerda @mapto @anubis2814 Palestinians could’ve had their own State long ago, but rejected every opportunity. Palestinians live under corrupt PA & jihadist #Hamas —who were elected in Gaza a year after Israel unilaterally withdrew in 2005 (no elections since), followed by rockets, terror tunnels, suicide bombers, abductions, etc. Try actually educating yourself instead of just swallowing & repeating BS lies you see on social media.

Unknown parent


@anubis2814 @steviesyerda @mapto @randahl

This person is a troll running at least the following other accounts:

in reply to Properganda

@steviesyerda @mapto @anubis2814
Stop blindly swallowing & parroting BS propaganda & using words you clearly don’t understand.
Unknown parent


@letsbekind2 @steviesyerda @anubis2814
If you don’t believe me, or Biden, HRC, Bernie Sanders, Ritchie Torres, etc… then listen to this Palestinian & former #Hamas member w/ lived experience & intimate knowledge… Unless ofcourse you subscribe to the hateful & violent ideology of #IslamicJihad

Unknown parent


@anubis2814 @mapto @steviesyerda

I am normally extraordinarily reluctant to accuse someone of being a paid troll. There are so very, very many people willing to be assholes online for free and it seems like a terrible waste of someone’s money.

But if anyone is, it’s this person, who created a bunch of these accounts to spam the fediverse with this nonsense.

in reply to notwithstanding @randahl @notwithstanding

Gazans did not elect Hamas.

A grand total of 11% of all Palestinians cast ballots for Hamas in 2006, giving Hamas a slim plurality of votes. Hamas did not even with a plurality in all of the electoral districts of Gaza; it won only two of five in the strip.

in reply to HeavenlyPossum

@mapto @anubis2814 @steviesyerda

This one might another account by the same person. They love spamming this graphic as an obscene genocide denialism:

@somekindahate3 @kkarhan @peterkal “some kind a hate” wants to school people about genocide - I’ll take that as a joke

Anyway here’s some actual schooling for you

Unknown parent


@letsbekind2 @steviesyerda @anubis2814
#Queers for #Palestine makes as much sense as “Chickens for KFC” or "minks for fur coats." 🤡

Unknown parent


@steviesyerda @letsbekind2 @anubis2814

Here you are lying & ignoring actual #apartheid as well as the innocent #HamasHostages & victims, because you’re blinded by hate for #israel and/or #Jews

Unknown parent

Thanks. Yours should be “Abi Normal” 🤪
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
Unknown parent

HeavenlyPossum @randahl @steviesyerda @anubis2814 @letsbekind2

We might consider that any Jewish person in the world can move to Israel and receive citizenship while Palestinians expelled from their homes in 1948 cannot even visit.

Unknown parent


Sorry about your mental illness. Hope you get the care you need & learn how to read, think & process information. TC ✌️

@letsbekind2 @anubis2814 @randahl

Unknown parent


@letsbekind2 @steviesyerda @anubis2814
Speaking of #SockPuppets paid #trolls & #propaganda it’s sad you’re either a victim of #ActiveMeasures or a willing supporter & promoter of anti-democratic & tyrannical regimes.

in reply to Properganda


I'm 🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😭
When I read that you claim fighting fascisme.

I stop laghing and block !! 🤮

@steviesyerda @mapto @anubis2814 @randahl

Unknown parent

@letsbekind2 @steviesyerda @anubis2814 nothing says cowardly paid pro #jihadism & #Fascism troll, like dropping silly insults & blocking. 🤥 💩 🤡
in reply to Randahl Fink

Okay, kids, this is where the adult steps in to point out that each side wants to obliterate the other, and that does amount to having a desire for genocide, and by "each side" I mean the governments thereof. Most Israeli Jews and most Jewish diaspora are against the land-grabby ultra orthodox in charge of Israel's government right now, and most Palestinians feel stuck with Hamas since 2006, which Hamas is aware of which is why it doesn't have elections. Anyone who claims that all Gazans are terrorists because they elected Hamas in 2006 are liars, and all Hamas supporters who claim that no hospitals are military operations are also liars. Both-sides-ism fits to a tee in this case.
in reply to Clara Listensprechen

@Clara Listensprechen

Anyone who claims that all Gazans are terrorists

I didn't notice - who said?

BTW, there were many good Germans in nazi Germany as good Russians in today's nazi ruSSia. But hey cannot be reason for appeasement and submission, right?

in reply to Martin Kostera

My dear, dear @Martin Kostera --it appears you're not familiar with the word "anyone". Please make better use of a dictionary, thanks.

And while you're at it, consult a dictionary for the term "stereotype", because that's what you're currently doing. And/or hire a translator who translates whatever the hell your native tongue is into English. Thanks.

in reply to Clara Listensprechen

@Clara Listensprechen
Who said(all Gazans are terrorists)? - Do you understand simple question? 🤷‍♂️
in reply to Martin Kostera

@martin @claralistensprechen3rd

Famously, the only two options when confronted with a threat are “indiscriminate murder of anyone near anyone who might be an adversary” or “appeasement and abject surrender.”

in reply to Randahl Fink

Anybody claiming BS about "Sharia Law" is, well, chock full of it.
Unknown parent


@steviesyerda @letsbekind2 @anubis2814 again… I understand you’re mentally challenged but please try & get this through your head… you are misinformed! Israel isn’t perfect —who is? But the biggest oppressor of Palestinians are their own “leaders”, the Islamic “Republic” of Iran & their corrupt & brutal terrorist proxies & the toxic ideology of #Jihadism

Unknown parent

@steviesyerda @letsbekind2 @anubis2814 you able to define & identity #apartheid accurately yet? Apparently not. You’re only capable of repeating the same tried BS like broken record. SAD!
Unknown parent

Unknown parent

Randahl Fink

@snack what an absolutely awful and unnecessary remark.


Unknown parent

@steviesyerda @letsbekind2 @anubis2814
What are your sources of news & information from, Stevie?
Unknown parent

This is true neither in the formal sense of international humanitarian law nor the general sense of basic human decency.
Unknown parent



It absolutely is true, but it’s also absolutely absurd to suggest that the only available alternative to killing 11,000 people—including thousands of children and hundreds of doctors and nurses—is surrender.

As a general rule, it’s inadvisable to respond to a hostage crisis by blowing up every house in which a hostage might be held.

Unknown parent


@steviesyerda @letsbekind2 @anubis2814

Unknown parent

@steviesyerda @letsbekind2 @anubis2814
Unknown parent

@steviesyerda @letsbekind2 @anubis2814 what colonizers are you referring to?
Unknown parent


@steviesyerda @letsbekind2 @anubis2814
This #Palestinian & son of #Hamas founder, has lived it & is better qualified to answer your question better than anyone… You keep repeating same BS propaganda & ignoring the answer —because it debunks your preferred #Jewhate narrative & programming. SAD!

in reply to HeavenlyPossum

@HeavenlyPossum Do not copy/paste Hamas BS. They declared 11 000 dead civilians including 471 dead in Al Ahli which never happened. You believe in such BS, do not do that.

Besides, every militant magically change to civilian right after his death. Tons of videos are about it. #Pallywood

Why you write "blowing up every house in which a hostage might be held" when you have to know it's stupid nonsense? They want their ppl back, not to kill them. And working on it even with US special forces(IDK which all are involved).

Homework: study how was Mosul liberated from ISIS and compare to Gaza.

in reply to Martin Kostera


“Everyone who reports information I don’t like is Hamas.”

Tedious and boring epistemic closure.

in reply to HeavenlyPossum

@HeavenlyPossum Again wrong. Correct version:
"Everyone who lies is liar."
And Hamas are masters at lying. Proved many times. Only 🐑believe them anymore.
Remember Al Ahli? Absolute disgrace.
in reply to Martin Kostera


The report was by Human Rights Watch using information they collected in Lebanon. You’re a fucking clown.

in reply to HeavenlyPossum

@HeavenlyPossum Yes. And source is Hamas. HRW - the pot calling the kettle black. Like Amnesty, like BBC, like NYT,... Remember Al Ahli? Absolute disgrace. But you don't. You're pushing out inconvenient information.
You ignore even dozen thousands missiles fired by poor Gazans onto Israel. Never existed, right?
If you want to believe to liars and to lies, go on. Your problem. I'm too tired to crack your so obvious and easily checked bias more.


in reply to Martin Kostera


The source of that report is not Hamas, which you could learn by opening the report, but you won’t because you’re a clown.

Thanks for letting me know that you’ve predetermined that any source of information critical of the Israeli state’s behavior is Hamas.

Absolute fucking clown.

in reply to HeavenlyPossum


According to authorities in Gaza, nearly 11,000 Palestinians, including more than 4,000 children, have been killed there since October 7.

Some incapable loser who has a problem with logic: Nooooooo, it was not Hamas!!!! It's report of HRW!!!!! 😭😭😭

OKI, so "authorities of Gaza are Martians". Right? 🤦🤦🤦


You are eating BS so you produce BS. Try to use brain next time.

in reply to Martin Kostera


Incredible: you picked a different report, this one about Hamas, that *is specifically about and critical of Hamas’ human rights violations,* to try to make claims that HRW unreliable and that the report I cited was sourced from Hamas.

Galaxy brain over here.

in reply to HeavenlyPossum

@HeavenlyPossum So "my" 11000 casualties are absolutely different from "your" 11000 casualties?
OKI, then.

You are eating BS so you produce BS. Try to use brain next time.

in reply to Martin Kostera


I realize English is not your first language, so I strongly recommend that you study some more to help with your comprehension.

You have completely, utterly misunderstood everything here. You cited a Human Rights Watch report *critical of Hamas* in an attempt to make a point about HRW’s bias, and you don’t even seem to realize what you did.

in reply to HeavenlyPossum

What you wrote:

The report was by Human Rights Watch using information they collected in Lebanon. You’re a fucking clown.

I don't think it's about my English, but your brain. Even your link of HRW say:

Heavy bombardment of Gaza by Israeli forces since October 7 has killed, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry, more than 11,000 Palestinians...

And who is in the seat of Gaza’s Health Ministry? Martian?

So no, it's identically 11,000 casualties like from my link. Same source: HAMAS. If you still don't get it, you have big brain problem. Try basic school, or so.

You are eating BS so you produce BS. Try to use brain next time.

in reply to Martin Kostera


You’re fixating on a single context statement as if it’s the sole content or subject of the report because, as we’ve noted, you’re a clown.

What’s the title and subject of the HRW report you linked?

in reply to Martin Kostera

You know, Israeli propaganda departament isn't known for telling the truth either. You're telling the other side they're falling for the lies without noticing -- or perhaps just ignoring -- that your side of the argument is just as bad.

But no matter, y'all Israeli apologists are giant hypocrites.


in reply to Neorat™ Ad #FuckYourZionistEthnostate

@martin @szczur

Setting aside the fact that the Gaza casualty numbers have been corroborated by UNICEF; setting aside the fact that the US government thinks the casualty count is *too low.*

in reply to HeavenlyPossum

@HeavenlyPossum Of course I'm still talking about number of dead. You started. But you are incapable to understand simple logic. Loser with bad brain.
You are eating BS so you produce BS. Try to use brain next time.

@RD Yes, you also copy/paste Hamas BS. Another intelligent on scene. And Al Ahli was destroyed by Israeli with 471 casualties. Understood. 😁

And yes, nobody cares about palestinian Arabs. Even in arabic/islamic states. Except when Israel/Jews are involved. Do you want proof?
Try to use your brains this time and find why.

in reply to HeavenlyPossum

@HeavenlyPossum It's stupid way how to cover you believe Hamas his 11,000 casualties. Go on. Make bigger clown from yourself! 😁
in reply to HeavenlyPossum

@HeavenlyPossum It's stupid way how to cover you believe Hamas his 11,000 casualties. Go on. Make bigger clown from yourself! 😁
in reply to Randahl Fink

Yes. Rationalising it is just so offensive. I wish people could hear themselves. 😩
in reply to HeavenlyPossum

@HeavenlyPossum You are demasked liar, not very clever anti-Israel troll. Feel free to keep looking for titles and subjects. Nobody cares. What matters is that you eat Hamas BS about casualties.
in reply to Martin Kostera


The US government thinks the official count is too low.

What was the name and subject of the HRW report to which you linked?

in reply to Martin Kostera


You're really terrible at this. You're not doing Jews or Israel any favors!

Makes me wonder if you're actually a troll for Hamas set on making supporters of Israel look ridiculous. If so, you're doing an excellent job!


in reply to RD

@martin @RD4Anarchy

Martin believes HRW is biased and unreliable, which would seem to imply that he disagrees with HRW’s conclusions—in the report that Martin linked to!—that Hamas has committed numerous war crimes.

Why would Martin defend Hamas from charges of committing war crimes? Possibly a troll for Hamas.