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"Among Black adults who have experienced discrimination, about three-quarters said it made them feel as though the system as a whole was designed to keep them down. Black adults who have faced discrimination also felt varying emotions as a result — 76% felt angry overall, 53% said they worried about their personal safety, and 41% felt depressed, for example."

in reply to StillIRise1963

But, but, they’re all voting for dump. (Insert sarcasm tag here)
They are correct. The system is designed to hold Black Americans down.
in reply to StillIRise1963

Shame on AP for choosing "believe" and "conspiring" here to describe fundamental institutional racism.

Would they write "Most Americans believe US institutions are conspiring to use their tax money to fund the military?"

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in reply to StillIRise1963

It's not a 'conspiracy theory' when it is proven history. What weasel words they use for this headline.

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in reply to Cykonot

@cykonot Every single one. And, it’s not because we “believe,” it’s because we KNOW. That’s why it’s so damn depressing.
in reply to StillIRise1963

Black people responding reasonably to extant circumstances.

Samhain Night reshared this.

in reply to StillIRise1963

Anyone who has read The Color of Law (Richard Rothstein) & The Second (Carol Anderson) has seen the receipts

I'm a ytgrrrrl & I believe the same
Solidarity from Tacoma WA :BLM: :af: :iww: :better_pride:

in reply to StillIRise1963

It infuriates me to see this put in emotional terms.

Redlining. I'll leave it at that.

It's not about the fucking feels. Fix it.

StillIRise1963 reshared this.

in reply to Poloniousmonk

@Uair Oh come on, redling was a practice that they did back in the....well, I mean they stopped it in the.....okay, but officially it's not still....

Hey there was a thing last year where banks super duper promised they wouldn't directly factor race into home loan calculations after being caught explicitly factoring race into home loan calculations, and since nobody's published a major piece explicitly calling them out, again, for doing it, I'm sure it doesn't happen anymore.

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in reply to StillIRise1963

They're not wrong. AmeriKKKa was FOUNDED on genocide and racism.

StillIRise1963 reshared this.

in reply to StillIRise1963

Also, it's only a "conspiracy" in the sense that white Merkins are willfully blind to it. To every/anyone else, it's blatantly obvious.

StillIRise1963 reshared this.

in reply to StillIRise1963

A quick perusal of American history from inception to present day validates their concerns as being real and factually based.
in reply to StillIRise1963

I can't quite make up my mind about the way this article is written. Is it suggesting that people's lived experience of systemic racism is actually a conspiracy theory because keeping black people in their place isn't a stated goal of the institution?

"The study also explored why Black adults believe these narratives"

So they're just narratives? As in stories?

And why on earth are the photos from the 1950s of black men participating in a syphilis study? What does that add?

in reply to paulb3017

@paulb3017 I hear you. I take issue with all those same things. None of it is a question of “belief,” they are facts that we ALL know to be true. Also, no one is spared by racism, so the “who have experienced” line is crazy. It’s indicative of how the subject is discussed in the U.S., implying that it’s in our minds.
in reply to StillIRise1963

When I saw Pew’s headline on its website yesterday I gagged.

“Most Black Americans Believe Racial Conspiracy Theories About U.S. Institutions”

If Pew, which is probably the best organization in the country at presenting its findings on people’s ideas and feelings, is going to call the recognition of obvious systemic and institutional racism “conspiracy theories“ there’s no chance your neighbor is going to reconsider their own views.

It’s a disgrace.

in reply to Ed Sanders

@Ed Sanders @StillIRise1963 There is a theory that the CIA pushed a bunch of conspiracy theories on the public so that people who believed them would sound crazy so any person of color telling the world what the government was actually doing to them, they would all be lumped into the same "crazy" bucket
in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 @EdSanders
100% this happens. They mix truth, or completely twist it with lies so the really dark truth is revealed, but also made to look laughable & shameful to even consider looking deeper by anyone who might care.
Either way they win if ppl can’t separate truth from hate. They get people to look away, they get those living in fear of government or ‘deep state’ oligarchs to grow more fear, which means more justification to implement an authoritarian order.

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in reply to Jo Jitsu

@anubis2814 @EdSanders
Alex Jones started this way. Mixing real dark truth…with antisemitism & bullshit.
His was only show that spoke of & had video of Bohemian Grove. People should know. It horrified me. Jones’ persona was speaking what others in msm didn’t. And msm & he were just as bigoted. He provided scapegoats to blame, hate. He drew in racists who ‘knew (some of) the hidden stuff MSM won’t talk about.’ He was a conspiracy machine.
Less truth was needed after a time.
in reply to StillIRise1963

I just finished reading #caste by Isabel Wilkerson. She tells how and why this is true.
in reply to Matthew Loxton

@mloxton We do. And, we’re all clear about the reality of it, even though many try to make us think we’re insane.
in reply to StillIRise1963

"The study defines racial conspiracy theories as ideas that Black Americans might have about “the actions of U.S. institutions” that aren’t necessarily the stated goals of the institution."

Riiiight... Because no institution has ever acted contrary to its "stated goals".

Pew should pass me what they are smoking it seems pretty potent.

StillIRise1963 reshared this.

Unknown parent

@YakyuNightOwl Yep. The gaslighting around here has never stopped.
in reply to StillIRise1963

and they are probably right.

Every institution that doesn't discriminate is under attack by the reich wing, and need all the support they can get in resisting the pressure to conform.

in reply to StillIRise1963

In the aggregate, of course. In individual cases, I would send them to the good folks at the SPLC or the ACLU (both of which I support) to argue the cases in the courts (what is left of them, that institution is under attack too)

The Reich wing is attacking ALL of our institutions, and trying to force them to conform to its agenda. Many have been captured already.

Racism and bigotry are all they have to offer.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)