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in reply to Hank G ☑️

If this relates to Biden, I don't think anyone is calling for him to step down because they think he's temperamentally or morally unfit to govern but because he's almost certainly incapable of winning the popular vote in November, which would usher in someone who is temperamentally and morally unfit to govern.

The point is probably sound in general, though, about how the media treat the two sides. It's similar in the UK, although the main right-wing party here is only flirting with populism; it hasn't been degraded to the extent the Republican party in the USA has.

in reply to goobler

The impetus is their coverage yesterday but it's about the behavior of MSM in general.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

@goobler This is in response to the New York Times who asked for him to be removed, based on one debate with a cold.

Of course the NYT nowadays is not fit to be used to wrap fish with, but they persist.

in reply to Hank G ☑️

Democrats always have to be the upstanding good guys while the GOP is allowed to lie cheat and steal. They're running a CONVICTED FELON, ffs, and the NYT doesn't call for HIM to drop out.

Fuck this noise. Biden's old, so what? He had a cold, so what?

Trump is a Fascist Felon. Where is the call for him to get the fuck out?