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Still haven’t gotten pictures transferred (requires old Mac for serial connection which I didn’t setup yet) but it’s so beautifully early 90s chonky Apple
in reply to Thomas 🔭✨

I used one back in the day! Simultaneously impressive and underwhelming at the same time :( .
in reply to Thomas 🔭✨

It was so futuristic that we took pictures with no film etc. But then when we needed to do something with the images the quality was such shit and it couldn't store many. Polaroids would have been better but then you had to scan it, etc. It's the usual caveat of being ahead of its time.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

@hankg yeah, you could get better quality at the time but Apple really shipped the first (or one of the first) affordable consumer digital camera (sub $1,000 iirc)
in reply to Thomas 🔭✨

@hankg i’m with thomas on that. O absolutely loved mine, ans it was kind-of incredible to be able to get digital photos then. It was so rare