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Welcome to my ants, mathematics, fashion and politics blog.

Yes they do bleed into each other.

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in reply to Lappenjammer


It's all very Alexander McQueen. Everyone is going for that spiky look.

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in reply to Michael Niki Knopp 🇪🇺 🐜 🏳️‍🌈

@mcnknopp @lappenjammer

Ants can't really eat solid food. They need to crush and drink everything. But the larvae can chew, so the ants bring things like cricket legs home to be eaten "by the kids"

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in reply to myrmepropagandist

@mcnknopp @lappenjammer i just wonder if we could come up with a crunchy cricketey morsel we could give them with moisture in it. Cricket biscuits quick someone register that domain…they love morcels do you want to make the recipe in the lab and do a break down the metabolism to make sure ingredients are healthy and maybe a feeding schedules .its a dumb idea isn’t it lol 😆 sorry
in reply to myrmepropagandist

You know, I really wish I had a high school teacher like you when I was growing up, but that was before ants were discovered.