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This toot caught my eye because just yesterday, 2 MSNBC reporters reporting from outside the courthouse, had for a background some guy carrying a big sign that read "FAKE NEWS CNN".

* MSNBC displays MAGA people
* MAGA person hates CNN

Fuck you, #CNN!!!! You seriously run tRump political ads for FREE as he exits the courthouse?? Are you keeping track of your in-kind campaign contributions?? At least MSNBC doesn't air tRump's crap if it's his usual rambling of lies and world salad.

in reply to Clara Listensprechen

Sorry. I had a momentary lack of composure. I actually dislike both CNN & MSNBC. Unfortunately, there are few (if any) TV news sources that "report" news without editorializing. Like the old TV show used to say: "Give me the facts, ma'am. Just the facts." 😉😁