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I find the belief that #leftists are mad at the #rich and powerful because of envy is frankly insulting. We don't think anyone should have that much money or power because it turns them into a twisted horrible human being and at some point they had to exploit others or the environment to get that money. If no one has that much money, all of us have a little more. If no one has that much power, ALL of us are a little more power to make our world better.
in reply to anubis2814

it's so weird to me. i simply do not understand why i would want to be rich and powerful. there's no allure to it. it sounds really unfulfilling. i just want my needs met so i can enjoy life with my little gay friends
in reply to anubis2814

After a certain threshold, pick an arbitrary point, say $50 million, the money replaces a conscience.

I’m not envious of people who are devoid of empathy and use a moat of cash to avoid feelings.

Those people are sociopaths.

What healthy person is jealous of sociopaths?

in reply to anubis2814

Rich folk kill their empathy with a "they hate us cause they ain't us" attitude.

As far as they are concerned that is the truth. The alternative would mean they are forced to admit they are villains.

in reply to anubis2814

Because too many cannot imagine that people may NOT want power over others.

My answer is that I am mad at the rich and the powerful because they destroy our freedom.

in reply to anubis2814

Its the same people who think of women or minorities get rights white straight men believe they will get treated they way they treated others.
in reply to anubis2814

Interestingly this isn’t necessarily what the rich think. But this is is what the rich want the majority of the voting poor to think. And so far they succeeded on a large scale.