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Instead of banning tiktok, would it be better to amend section 310 of the Communications Act to include social media companies as "common carriers"?

I honestly don't know--I just know that there is plenty of precedent for banning foreign ownership of communications mechanisms.

So let's recognize sm as communications mechanisms and regulate them as we do other comms methods (radio in this case) instead of singling out one company?

anubis2814 reshared this.

in reply to Doctor Historianess

@Doctor Historianess Its a red scare/ racist scare. They want our white capitalists to have that data and manipulate our algorithms, not Asian socialists
in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 well, I would question whether the owners of TikTok are "socialists." They seem like your ordinary, garden-variety capitalists to me.
in reply to Doctor Historianess

@Doctor Historianess Yes but their Nation and government uses the word socialist, So by republican logic they are. Oddly, they don't have the same issue with India or Portugal which call themselves socialist nations in their constitutions