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*triple take* 😳

Via Judd Legum:

BREAKING: #Florida just approved new Black history standards that includes noting enslaved people developed skills that “could be applied for their personal benefit”

in reply to Laffy

The only thing we can do is NOT LISTEN TO IDIOTS!!

Imagine that though: Human beings were forced into slavery, and extremist, red idiots, consider it a time to learn development skills… These red, infidels are really struck on stupid…

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in reply to Laffy

Yes indeed…Those fools are really stuck on racism
in reply to Laffy

I don’t know what’s worse: An idiot talking, or a good, intelligent person, listening…
in reply to Laffy

speaking as someone who studied Black history in Florida schools in the 90s, the idea that they want to do an even worse job is a pretty remarkable notion
in reply to Laffy

This is an argument that slaveholders (& other virulent racists) explicitly made *during slavery* in the US South.

Actually, Christian slavers banned teaching Af-Ams, so Northern Af-Ams had much higher literacy & trade skills.

Christian slavers & propagandists basically invented modern racism, arguing that Black people were inferior humans & wouldn't learn the most basic skills on their own initiative as human beings, & needed white slavers to "teach" them.

This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Laffy

I wonder whether Florida public schools will teach that Sally Hemings, the enslaved teenager Thomas Jefferson forced to be his "mistress," was his dead wife's half-sister, because Jefferson's father-in-law had done the same thing to Hemings' mother.

I mean, it's actually true, so... Nah. I don't think DeSantis would admit to considering those "valuable skills."

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