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it is weird how people see the campus protests suppression as some unique escalation in police violence because it’s happening to ivy league students. like this is fucking reprehensible shit but literally all of it happened in the black lives matter protests too. like did you not go to the protests that summer do you not remember seeing all of this happening then.
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in reply to the coldsplainer

even before that they called in the national guard to suppress the ferguson protests in 2014. and then assassinated a bunch of the organizers
in reply to the coldsplainer

the feds were black bagging people in unmarked cars and plain clothes in the city i live in just a few years ago. we’ve been in this shit for a while now

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in reply to the coldsplainer

its so fuckign scary how the world seems to have memory-holed the fact that a shitload of the original organizers of the BLM marches ended up murdered or dead under incredibly suspicious circumstances
in reply to Liv, Citrus Reamer

@photophoregirl I think hardly anyone ever knew that in the first place, it got no media attention so if you weren't listening to their surviving friends and family there was no way to even know it happened