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Okay, Boomers, make it make sense

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

Sorry but Boomers fought against people like this and this was Millennials' doing. Try again, moron Millennial. #FAIL

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in reply to Clara Listensprechen

I just realized I hadn't heard anyone beating the millenial bashing dead horse in a while. To shreds, they say...

Just leaving a relevant link here.....😳

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in reply to Clara Listensprechen

This sort of intergenerational sniping is incited and encouraged by a real Illuminati, the cabal of oligarchs playing their games amongst themselves, with us as collateral damage. They much prefer that we fight amongst ourselves rather than go after a common enemy, like them, for instance. And it’s working: here we are.

Clara Listensprechen doesn't like this.

Sampath Pāṇini ® reshared this.

in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

Yeah but not all Boomers are Republicans. Boomers are the ones that pushed for and still support the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which you never hear Millennials thanking us for, the goddamn privileged brats. They have no clue how hard Boomers fought for what they take for granted.
in reply to Clara Listensprechen


_EXACTLY_ what Clara said! Millennials are the ones who dropped the ball and cared nothing about anything except themselves. And in the process allowed part of what we fought so hard for to disappear. I might add that all the boomers I know are still just as much liberal progressive Democrats as they were 50 years ago.


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in reply to oldfartjmb says eh?

@johnb48 @claralistensprechen3rd Every generation is mad at the generations that came before. It's as consistent a human trait as the olds saying "kids today" and shaking their heads. Same as it ever was.

I suspect that kids growing up now, inheriting a world full of empowered nazis and having bodies full of covid, will be screaming mad at every single person who is an adult right now. Like, an anger that could burn hotter than the sun.

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in reply to PaprikaPink

@paprikapink @johnb48 @claralistensprechen3rd
I'm 70, so a Boomer, I guess. I could not wait to reach the age to vote. And I have voted in every Municipal, Provincial, and Federal election since then. I voted for progressive liberal ideas and causes. I raised my kids to believe in those values too. I don't think it is an age category thing as much as a sense of entitlement that some politicians foster by pitting us against each other.

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in reply to oldfartjmb says eh?

@johnb48 @claralistensprechen3rd This isn't a generational thing, at all. In 2016, the youngest of the millennials had just come of voting age. An age that is notorious for having low voter turnout, not just now but for decades. The leaves even the older of us, also in a low turnout cohort.

We often rely on the next generation to save us. This thinking needs to end. We need to work amongst ourselves to accelerate change and inspire the upcoming generations to move into action.

Sampath Pāṇini ® reshared this.

in reply to JacobRPG+ 🫘

The situation we find ourselves in today isn't unique to our time and it's not unique to our geography. We have world events and a turn towards authoritarianism that is reminiscent of the pre-WWII era. When people take democracy for granted and others face difficult to solve problems, authoritarianism grows appealing. We must fight back against this locally and globally.

Unity is how we move forward.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Sampath Pāṇini ® reshared this.

in reply to Clara Listensprechen

@claralistensprechen3rd by most definitions, the absolute oldest Boomers would have been 20 in 1965, and still too young to vote. There were zero Boomer civil rights leaders at the time, and zero Boomers in Congress. Boomers first real bite at the apple was to reelect Nixon in 72, and as they really reached adulthood, they overwhelmingly elected Reagan twice, destroying everything the Silent Generation established.

Sampath Pāṇini ® reshared this.

in reply to 45 B-Side

You've been getting drunk on Millennial Bullshit Koolaid, kid.

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in reply to Clara Listensprechen

@claralistensprechen3rd @bransonturner
After 18 months, this is easily the wildest series of responses to what was, in my mind, a somewhat throw-away blog title prompt on Mastodon.

From my perspective, Millennials weren’t voting in the 90’s, and wouldn’t be in a position to have perspective of both of ends of the frame being juxtapositioned.

in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

Boy, it got real Twitter, real fast! 😀

You’re a fucking idiot, but I hope those who continue to follow your toots fully appreciate your lack of knowledge, history, and intellect. And FWIW, both my parents (born in 1925) fully supported the Civil Rights movement. I learned my Liberal political advocacy from them. Again, you’re an idiot!

in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

She’s been very hostile to me before. Seeing her do that to you guys too has earned her a block. Who needs that shit? @bransonturner
in reply to 45 B-Side

@bransonturner @claralistensprechen3rd
This. It was the generation that fought WWII that spearheaded the civil rights movement, partly BECAUSE of WWII -the military was one of the first places to be officially desegregrated.

Sampath Pāṇini ® reshared this.

in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

@bransonturner @claralistensprechen3rd

Damn straight. My grandfather had a portrait of FDR up in his shop until the day he died. His children's generation (thankfully not my parents) spent their voting years dismantling FDR's achievements (not to mention up to 1965).

Sampath Pāṇini ® reshared this.

in reply to 45 B-Side

Huh? No! I was born in 1961, and I am definitely a late (the last?) Boomer. Why? Because I’m the last (youngest) born to immediately Postwar parents. Me and my older sisters are all 4 years apart, and both our parents were in college during WWII (with post graduate degrees following).

So you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. I was four (4) in 1965, and very much alive with memory then. You? 🤔

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in reply to Chris Hessert 🇺🇸 🇺🇦

@chessert Correct. The last year of the Boomer births is generally 1965. Most of them were not able to support the Civil Rights movement of 64-65. You would have been 3-- the *oldest Boomers would have been 19 or 20.

ETA The first election you could have voted in was Reagan in 1980.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Clara Listensprechen doesn't like this.

in reply to 45 B-Side

You’re a fucking idiot, but I hope those who continue to follow your toots fully appreciate your lack of knowledge, history, and intellect. And FWIW, both my parents (born in 1925) fully supported the Civil Rights movement. I learned my Liberal political advocacy from them. Again, you’re an idiot!
in reply to 45 B-Side

@bransonturner @claralistensprechen3rd
Well I hate to interrupt an otherwise unnecessary argument but I'm a boomer and I was born in '62.
in reply to Clara Listensprechen

I’m four years older than any Boomer. They weren’t the major political or social influences in 1964-65 - they were teenagers.

Sampath Pāṇini ® reshared this.

in reply to CynBlogger™️


Would you call Greta Thunburg uninfluential? She started off as a 15-year-old. How about my boomer wife? Marching in the streets of Sydney as a 13-year old at a political rally. Look around at the people protesting now; one doesn't have to be over 21 to have influence or be involved.

@claralistensprechen3rd @paninid

Sampath Pāṇini ® reshared this.

in reply to CynBlogger™️

@cynblogger @claralistensprechen3rd Civil Rights was affected by the Silent Generation in street protests, etc. It was encoded into law by the Greatest Generation.

Sampath Pāṇini ® reshared this.

in reply to CynBlogger™️

@cynblogger @claralistensprechen3rd
The naming of generations seems to me to have commercial overtones. Real change is not done by generations, but rather change is accomplished by movements, which span generations. Generations experience things; movements plan and accomplish them.
in reply to John Tinker

@johntinker @cynblogger @claralistensprechen3rd When I first saw "Generation X" getting thrown around, it was specifically liberal Boomers denouncing Generation X as a bunch of zombies.

I've wrestled with how useful the "generations" labels are, because there are patterns about social expectations over time, but I also wonder about the hidden demographic assumptions. And these labels do sound suspiciously like terms for market segmentation.

Sampath Pāṇini ® reshared this.

in reply to John Tinker

@johntinker @cynblogger @claralistensprechen3rd Absolutely. Stereotypes always harm. It goes against logic to claim that all humans born within a certain space of time had the same characteristics and lived the same lives.
Unknown parent

Kindness is as kindness does

I’ll believe it when I see the guillotines in the street.

@claralistensprechen3rd @paninid

Clara Listensprechen doesn't like this.

Sampath Pāṇini ® reshared this.

in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

The Boomer vs Millenial debate is just another Russian Troll induced method of dividing Americans. Don’t fall for it.

Sampath Pāṇini ® reshared this.

in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

I find the subordination thing way ickier than the porn thing.
in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

...and here we have a bunch of born-yesterdays trying to tell me the life I lived didn't happen. Y'all can fuck off a cliff now. Hessert FTW.
in reply to Clara Listensprechen

To be clear, the intention of the blog title I posted as a prompt was literally for people who had lived, voting-age memory of the events in question.

It was coming from a place of sincerity, not condescension 🤷🏻‍♂️

in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

...Gonna drop this here. Cause the most twitteresque this place ever gets is when someone makes a boomer joke and gets dogpiled by boomers who are convinced by the media representation of a meme that was created to blow off steam that our digs are actually evidence of a deep-seated, seething hatred of anyone over 60. Any boomer who had kids should know how sarcastic we can be. I tend to get snarky when I feel like who I'm talking to doesn't want to understand

Sampath Pāṇini ® reshared this.

in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

Sure. Rule number one for Republicans is that only Democrats are bound by rules.

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