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Jamaican food experiment day was a success for my first try making it: Pigeon Peas and Rice for lunch, Calloloo Rice and Impossible Beef patties for dinner. #food #Jamaica #Caribbean

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in reply to manuelcaeiro ☕

It was a combo recipe. For the filling I followed this recipe just replacing the 500 grams of ground beef with 1 lb of Impossible Burger meat.

The pastry I used this vegan, gluten free, oil free recipe:

I ended up with enough filling for nine patties but only enough pastry for six.

in reply to Hank G ☑️

But I will say that I forgot to adjust the salt level to accommodate the salt in the Impossible Meat. I should have cut the salt level in half.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I thought you could get a career as chef if you got tired of programming, but with all those wrongs I don't know... ;)