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One way to think of #DecentralizedSocialMedia is to compare #Christian #Catholicism to #evangelical #Christianity. The catholic #church is top down just like most social media sites, everyone must abide by the rules and judgment of the pope and cardinals. If you don’t like it, too bad but enough people like it that it doesn’t matter and it's what they were raised in and learned to think on their terms.
Evangelical #Protestantism on the other hand is more like independent businesses. Literally anyone can start a church. You don’t like that church, you can just jump over to a different church. It can be a hassle but you have options especially if you don’t like the people in charge or if you have religious of philosophical differences.

I would love to see a study on the religions or former religions of #fediverse users and see if there is any difference in the casual user based based on that.