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I have a new favorite development blog:

Boy is that a doozy of a story! #DevHumor #programming

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in reply to Hank G ☑️

ooooh, this one I used to read a lot in the past. Gotta check it out again.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Waaay back in my development days i ran into a couple of similar situations. One brainy guy leading the department wanted to put all of our systems analysis specs being developed into a spreadsheet. I had to explain to him that it would be a nightmare to keep the spreadsheet revisions orderly. Another place i interviewed for a job where the whole shop was using Perl to develop a major application. I had to zip my lip about what a nightmare a complex Perl system would be to maintain, and just politely walked out.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Haven't thought about Brillant PaulaBean in awhile!