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Grocery chain Trader Joe’s is joining Elon Musk’s SpaceX in arguing that the National Labor Relations Board, which is prosecuting cases against both companies, is unconstitutional.
in reply to ಚಿರಾಗ್ 🌹✊🏾Ⓥ🌱🇵🇸 (he/him)

@chiraag in absolutely the strangest, most diametrically opposed way, I agree with him.

The NLRA flagrantly violates First Amendment protections by forbidding sympathy strikes. Provisions coercing people to return to work violate even the weasel-worded Thirteenth Amendment in that they enslave people in circumstances that are not, to put it mildly, "a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted." I'm sure it's possible to make coherent arguments for violations of other parts of the Constitution.

in reply to Bruno J. Navarro

@Bruno J. Navarro Yet another pretend social liberal company that shows itself to be just classically liberal in cosplay

TomasHradcky reshared this.

in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 TJs was a US-founded and run company that had a rep for being a good place to work for years. It got bought up. Not saying TJ's was union-friendly before, but I'm saying it had a better rep as a workplace in previous decades.

in reply to Bruno J. Navarro

I love Trader Joe's, but no union busting corporation is getting my business

Samhain Night reshared this.

in reply to Barbara Monaco

@Barbara Monaco @Bruno J. Navarro Yup, bracing for Aldi to start union busting, that will really hurt my wallet. Luckily my local ACME is unionized
in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 I have heard of problems in Germany, but nothing recent in the US. Aldi is a big favorite. I hope they don't go over to the dark side. 😢
in reply to Barbara Monaco

@Barbara Monaco @Bruno J. Navarro I know that VW tried to start a plant in the south with a union, because that's just what you do in Germany and there was such a backlash from the state government they had to make the union "right to work" hoping Aldi takes the same tack
in reply to Bruno J. Navarro

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