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Just a reminder that #AdamSmith actually saw and pointed out many of the problems of Capitalism #Marx did, 50 years before and Marx built his ideas off of him. The von Mises institute released a book with all of those criticisms cut out and now everyone thinks he's an infallible unquestioning champion of capitalism, just like how Nietzsche's anti-Semitic sister made him sound like the perfect Nazi after he died. Just like Marx and post-modernism, his writing was descriptive not prescriptive, and that book was just written to pay the bills. The work he was most proud of was his treaties on Morality that is on his tombstone. Smith, Paine and quite a few of the founding fathers were what is now considered some form of socialist, just like how Lincoln and Marx admired each other and viewed each other as comrades in the fight for freedom. Instead they were mythologized for political purposes to be extremist Neo-liberals and champions of capitalism and enforcing religious ideas, which they were all actually the opposite.
in reply to anubis2814

yeah, in fact paine was actually really ostracized by Americans after the war because of how radical he was, wanting to constitutionally abolish slavery, being very openly deist, and also wanting a strong welfare state, among others
in reply to aster

Oh no, he was a full on atheist. Most other founding fathers that were deists were wrongly listed by many atheists as atheist, but he was straight up atheist
in reply to anubis2814

Now don't go confusing people with complex truths. That just gets them all irritable! /s