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Ah fantastic, so our French Constitutional Council just confirmed we’re not a democracy, since it seems that using every article that limits democratic debates, removes modifications to laws, and generally prevents any kind of discussion around a law, and any form of real vote, all at the same time is totally legal and constitutional.

Maybe it’s time to move on from our current form of Republic. It was created for a military dictator in the 50s, and is clearly unsuited to the modern world.

anubis2814 reshared this.

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

Maybe? 🙃 The presidential republic model is a failure in all its global implementations.
in reply to Maxi 9x 💉

Available for building new forms of government. I've got some preliminary design docs for the underlying software; needs work. I should probably try to write up some docs on how this would actually function on a social real-world level, and also include some new pieces about federation.
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

strange you Say this: Silvio Berlusconi is a great fan of the French Presidentialism. /s
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

*side eyes our 250+ year old government made by slave owners*

Yeeahhh, take it from an American, don't let shitty governments linger.
in reply to Rusty Corgi

@Rusty Corgi @Nick @ The Linux Experiment The french government is the only nation that resembles the US government. We've figured out better forms of democracy since then.
in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 There'd been better forms of government in the 1950s but Charles De Gaulle decided to copy our homework that we already got an F on.
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

well, french ppl are known for doing revolution instead of their morning coffee, so...
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

dunno where ya stand politically but please keep protesting and uh push it over the edge. me and my commie comrades are rooting for the french working class to push as hard as possible
in reply to Pfannkuchen :ablobabducted:

@pfannkuchen that is not the point. The point is the violation of democratic principles through the abuse of legalistic clauses, in the face of the will of 80+ percent of the population. Nick is right: we need a republic in which the government represents the people, not the elite.

Beyond that point though: 62 is viable. There is no actual emergency to finance pensions, now or in the mid term future. And if there was, there is money to find.
in reply to Pierric

@PierricD @pfannkuchen Yep. It is absolutely viable. Most models point out to that. There is no urgency at all.
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

you french are just looking for an excuse to go to the streets again, aren't you 😂
in reply to Simon

@realsimon Well, as long as our governments keeps giving us some, we’ll keep protesting 😂
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

as a german I can't understand. We complain all the time but do nothing because we're afraid of change. That is our way.
in reply to Simon

@realsimon I am not aware of political climate in Germany, but in France Macron is really a bastard. For example, Macron decided to enact his law at 4:00 AM today. That's not something that a president should do.
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

We are busy fighting for democracy here in the US too. It's sad seeing the whole world leaning towards right-wing authoritarianism.
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

at least your own country knows what's up not like here in Hungary where the people are brainwashed by the government propaganda and thinking we are a democracy when we are actually an electoral autocracy.
in reply to girgunta

@girgunta True, at least the people here are very unhappy. I’m afraid it won’t be enough though :/
Unknown parent

Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@merthyr1831 He definitely has in my eyes, but I’m afraid people will let things slide, and slowly accept everything that’s happening.
in reply to LGDLL

@GDLL Régime autoritaire aurait été plus juste. Il a quand même salement amoché les pouvoirs parlementaires pour les condenser dans l’exécutif. Sans doute nécessaire à l’époque, mais clairement plus aujourd’hui.
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

Vous pensez avoir plus de libertés aujourd'hui que sous De Gaulle ?

Vous pensez que le pouvoir était plus autoritaire sous De Gaulle que sous Macron ?

De Gaulle a perdu son referendum, il s'est cassé…immédiatement (enfin le lendemain à 12h)
in reply to LGDLL

@GDLL Non, justement, c’est tout l’objet: le régime avait lieu d’être à l’époque, mais n’est plus adapté aujourd’hui. Macron utilise ces pouvoirs sans raison ou discernement et le peuple n’est pas entendu.

On est toujours dans le même régime autoritaire.
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

L'organisation du pouvoir n'est pas plus autoritaire, ce sont les hommes qui le composent qui l'ont détourné.
De Gaulle le disait clairement s'il n'avait pas le soutien du peuple, il se casse.
Le problème tient plus aux hommes/femmes politiques sans honneur et sans envergure de notre époque.
Sans parler des parasites de la haute fonction publique.
in reply to LGDLL

@GDLL Oui c’est exactement ce que je dis :) Le régime est resté potentiellement autoritaire, car il a été créé sur mesure pour un seul homme et na pas subi de substantielle modification pour le rendre plus démocratique. Il est juste de plus en plus détourné par des gens de moins en moins scrupuleux.
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

Pas tout à fait.
On ne peut pas dire cela de Pompidou, Giscard et même Mitterrand (et cela me fait mal de l'écrire)
Mais de là à faire passer «Mon Général» pour un dictateur…
Enfin, «les gens» ont demandé «plus d'État» depuis longtemps. Plus de services poublics etc…Qu'il s'occupe de tout, le résultat…est là.
L' État doit être autoritaire dans son domaine (le régalien) et pour le reste laisser la société s'organiser comme bon lui semble. Mais c'est libéral.
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

je te dirai bien viens en Belgique mais ce n'est pas beaucoup mieux 😅
Unknown parent

Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@eickot I’m not saying we have the worst regime, I’m saying we are sliding pretty fast into authoritarian territory. Obviously some other countries have it worse, and some are better!
Unknown parent

Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@eickot The issue here is that even stopping the country doesn’t seem to work anymore. The government just sends the police to beat down random people, guilty or innocent, and waits it out. It doesn’t have the impact is used to, even with millions in the streets…