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The idea that churches stay out of politics is getting ridiculous. It's time to revoke their tax exemption and start collecting taxes from them.

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in reply to anubis2814

Churches that adhere to the Gospel (humility, service etc.) deserve their tax free status because the money comes in through the parish and goes straight back out to the community, but churches that are run like corporations are just a tax haven and certainly should pay tax.
in reply to Grant

@Bandicoot They can pay tax like the rest of us… the income they can prove is being spent on charitable works can be claimed as a tax deduction. The rest is taxable.
in reply to Stewart

If the money coming in is tithes from members, income tax has already been paid on it. If it is money earned through a church enterprise then yes tax it.
in reply to Grant

@Grant @Stewart Why they all need to achieve 501c3 status to show they are actually mashing no profits. Churches don't have to prove any of that unlike a community organization. One would think that small churches would fight for that so they don't get lumped into greed churches but all they see in more regulation, not a defence against the cheapening of their faith
in reply to anubis2814

Back when churches were places of worship and they held a cake stall to raise money to fix the roof nobody questioned tax free status. Now that megachurches have coffee shops and gyms and child care centres it is fair to tax them like businesses. Pity it also hits the little guys too.
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