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in reply to Joshua Holland

The headline is so good I’m literally thinking of subscribing.
in reply to Joshua Holland

The Cybertruck
Is ugly as fuck,
And damned fools who bought one
Are shit out of luck.
in reply to Joshua Holland

“It looks like a dumpster and an ATM had a baby.”

No need to fret, CyberSuck owners. At least about the stainless steel not looking great after anyone so much as spits on it (or you, deservedly so) when all you need is a whole lot of:

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Joshua Holland

This reminds me of the time someone taped a banana peel to a wall and called it art.

in reply to Joshua Holland

one is in desperate need of a medical doctor considering to purchase one of these, only proving a serious lack of taste and never ending worship of your idol 😇
in reply to Joshua Holland

"big piece of shit that doesn't work" also describes the scammer who sells them
in reply to Joshua Holland

"The accelerator pedal cover slides off and gets stuck under a panel and locks the accelerator pressed down and keeps the Cybertruck stuck at maximum velocity" I think Imperator Furiosa has the same improvement in her war truck. 🤔