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10 mile fasted Zone 2 run didn’t go as well as my 9 mile one two weeks ago, even in earlier section. I was woefully unprepared for how much more sweating I did this time despite comparable weather. I was much closer to feeling bonked too. When I got home; an additional 20 minutes of walking later, I did a blood glucose test that clocked in at 109. So I’m thinking of adjusting hydration with G-Zero before switching to adding pre-run or during the run fueling. #running #training #fitness

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in reply to Hank G ☑️

Hi mate, I saw you shared a GTN video. Recently, in one of their videos (gtn coach corner) they were advocating against fasted training. Basically they support fueling and hydrating during the course for anything above 60 minutes.
Personnally, I have an electrolytes and carbs mix in my camelbak for all the 1 hour+ training and I sip a bit of it every 10 minutes or so, right from the start. After 1h30, I've usually drank 1 liter, and my scale still still anounce at least 1kg less than at the beginning of my exercice 'O0.
in reply to Julien

@Julien They would not be the only ones to say that. Ironically on this run in the Marathon Training Academy Q&A Pt 2 episode they talked about the latest research on fasted vs. fueled runs and optimum fueling. TL;DR if the run is 75+ minutes fueling should be done to optimize performance. This is more about experimenting on how far out I can take it before bonking more than what I'd do as an ideal training strategy in perpetuity. One reason I don't want to push it too far however is that according to some sources I've read fasted runs, even with fueling right afterward, are more catabolic than fueled runs.