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My fueled 12 mile long run is in the books. Fuel being 8 oz each or Gatolyte and G Zero (probably twice as many electrolytes as I needed) and three packs of Welch’s fruit snacks. Despite being more idea temperature my pace was a bit off my 11 mile run last week. Still VO2max estimates over the week have kept improving. I did feel a bit stronger than when I’ve been doing these fasted, definitely not in Cookie Monster mode when I get done the runs too. So I’ll take all that as a win #running #training #fitness
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Run, @Hank G ☑️, run! What I love about running is the competition is mostly against our last run!
in reply to randygalbraith

@randygalbraith For now it is some of that plus competing against the plan. If I manage to keep this up for any real length of time, like years or decades, it'll have to convert over to against the plan only.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

You're running long distance zone2, right ?
Your posts might encourage me to do some posting too :) ! I want to work a bit with data like running dynamics, improve ground contact time and see if it really means something in terms of efficiency for me.
I'm also using an #opensource watch, the #banglejs2, and there's a bit of coding involved before I can get the data I want. That's a journey.
in reply to Julien

Yep mostly, or supposed to be. Today I was a bit higher than Zone 2 for more of the run that I should have been, but just barely so. The topic of open source smart watches/fitness trackers came up in the Running Matrix room last week, ironically. I'll have to look into that!
in reply to Hank G ☑️

I am envious of your distance. I’m working my way there….
in reply to Sascha Freudenheim

I've been slowly working up to this for almost a year now. It started with a fitness reboot that started at the end of April, started adding running again over the summer, and now focusing on continuing to build up my cardiovascular capabilities/efficiency. I think after I run a half in the next few weeks I'm going to drop long run mileage back, increase length of other runs, and maybe add a fourth running day until I get to a Zone 2 sustainable pace of a 10 minute mile or faster (ideally).
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Thanks mate, I may join only by the end of next week, for some reason.