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A large part of why I can't have a productive processing of current events news I consume. The media and too many people, Democratic leadership included, aren't recognizing the reality of what is going on. #uspoli

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Unknown parent

I felt very conflicted about leaving Twitter because there is a part of me that feels responsible for being aware of what’s going on. Having said that, it is hard to see what’s manufactured and not.
Unknown parent

Hank G ☑️
When I did it I went right to opinion journalists that i read in major news publications. It was still maddening.
Unknown parent

me too! Daily Kos, Daily Stormer, etc.
in reply to Ultramagnus_tcv 🏳️‍⚧️

I still kept my account, I check it once in a great while .. but I am not “active” there .. so much so that I get those “fake” name tagged @ tweets it does to reengage you. For years I only had a “VIP” list and just used that as my default view it helped cut down on the doom scrolling and spam as I only had a handful of people on that list.
in reply to Eric Gustafson 🖥️

I go on it directly for one account, an account that posts video clips from MASH. Everything else is through Nitter.
Unknown parent

Eric Gustafson 🖥️
I try to stick to the middle (obligatory media bias chart posting)
in reply to Eric Gustafson 🖥️

I go even further outside that chart, all the way to where the right and left realize that they’ve been in love with each other all this time and start a torrid love affair the likes of which would shock the world if the details were ever truly known.
in reply to Ultramagnus_tcv 🏳️‍⚧️

Ha .. forbidden love .. though it would be funny to see the same news outlet on both sides..
in reply to Eric Gustafson 🖥️

you know plotting with the logos is cool but give me dots or something. It’s too hard to see precision.