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I just voted in the primary for "Stop the #genocide in #Gaza. Stop arming #Israel ". I will be voting for the democratic winner in November but I can't in good conscience, vote FOR Joe Biden, which is what a primary is for. The general is about voting against the worst viable candidate by voting for the next worst viable candidate. I hope to see ranked choice voting in all states in my lifetime so I can vote FOR someone in every election instead of against the worst.

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in reply to anubis2814

are there any #localelections candidates that you can get behind?

I've given up on the duocracy entirely. I used to believe some elected Progs might do something eventually, like vote as a block or invoke some obscure procedural crap, but time has shown them be little more* than a charismatic ploy to capture votes for Dems and prevent the rise of an actual opposition party.

*AOC did help secure coffin coupons for her constituents in 2020, so I can't say they do nothing. ⚰️

in reply to RebelGeek99

@RebelGeek99 Until we can overcome duvergers law with something like RCV, we will never had a real opposition party. That or Trump somehow implodes the GOP like what happened with the whigs right before the civil war.