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Janet Logan (Friendica) reshared this.

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

@Jodi K @Bob Lai

It's not as bad as it sounds. Don't get me wrong, it's scary. But it's not anything that's an emergency. Just life for me now. 🤷‍♀️

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

Well, my little adventure was a bit nastier. If I'd laid down for a nap, I probably would have checked out in my sleep.
in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

I don't know. My mother had an erratic heart rate, but no "attack" as such. But I cannot say what is happening here.
in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

My grandma had heart issues. New doc gave her a new BP med once that was making her feel odd. She said she was going to take a sleeping pill. I made her stop and call the doctor first.

If I hadn't she likely would not have woken up.

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

@Jodi K Yeah, if I were on any kind of sedation when this happened, I could imagine that being "very bad."
in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️


I got a response from the doctor's office already. They are having the transmission sent to them for review by the doctor. More significantly, though, per the RN:

In the meantime, If you have another episode of low heart rate accompanied with light headedness or dizziness we would recommend ER evaluation.

So that's fun. Maybe a bit more significant than I thought.

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

Wow @Bob Lai That is quite a story. You are truly lucky to still be around this plane. I for one am thankful that you are. Blessings.
in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

I am certain that, had I still been working in news, I would have died on the job or while driving home.
in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

Wow, that's quite a story. I, for one, am glad you were not still working in news and that you are still with us.
in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

This is why I believe Mr. I-Weigh-Five-Pounds-Less-Than-an-Asian-Dude-Who's-a-Foot-Shorter-Than-Me went into Walter Reed in 2019 for a stent.
in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

Well, that's interesting. According to my implanted recorder, nothing happened. The assumption, per cardiology, is that my watch was just wrong. In other words, it's all in my head, again.
in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

@Jodi K

Yeah. If it happens again, "get evaluated at an ER." In other words, not our problem. Head pat the little lady

Sorry, I'm in a mood about this.

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

According to my implanted recorder, nothing happened.

I hate it when doctors don't listen to you. It's not like you looked it up on YouTube.

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

@Bob Lai

I hate it when doctors don’t listen to you.

Me too. It happened for decades before I finally got the fibromyalgia diagnosis. Thus why I'm "in a mood" at the moment.

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

I didn't let them put this thing under my skin because I'm a hypochondriac, for Goddess sake. 😡
in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

And let me tell you, when my dad was sick (cis het white man) they listened carefully to everything he said.
in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

@Jodi K That doesn't always hold true, as I was seen as a "cis het white man" for all that time I wasn't diagnosed as having fibro. But your point is very valid.

And ... fibro is commonly believed (by uninformed doctors) as almost exclusively a "woman's" disease. You really don't want to get me started on patriarchy and medicine.

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

Oh, I have good one too, but... well let's just say I kept insisting THERE IS A PROBLEM. Look at all this weird stuff (ok, yes it was weird, but still). I got ignored. Over and over. Finally it became bloody obvious because it became visible. Oh... look at that. There is a problem after all.


in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

Though they still had NO clue that the visible issue was related to all the other stuff.


But all better now.

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

I was prescribed medication for my blood pressure, and, after a couple of weeks, I told my doctor about two side-effects: my right leg would buckle unexpectedly, causing me to fall; and my hearing loss got dramatically worse.

He said, 'that shouldn't happen,' but didn't change the prescription. I went back a week later, and repeated that I kept falling down, and that I couldn't hear a monitor two feet away from me - it was mmmoph mmmm mmmhfdhk.

What did he do? He changed my prescription to a different drug in the same family. Nothing changed. I finally had to tell him this was becoming a quality-of-life issue before he switched me to a medication that had none of the side effects. My balance improved, and my hearing came back.

in reply to Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

There was one grand time when I prevailed gloriously. The docs told my dad to come to the hospital ASAP. We got an ambulette. We rushed, we hurried. And then they had him sit. For hours and hours and hours.

Finally I complained. They moved him to a sort of giant niche, with just a curtain around the bed. Bad enough, but there were two women next to him who said they had been there for days!!

When the doctor finally came around, I made sure he knew I wasn't having it. Now, I have no clue what I said. Don't remember a word. But, at the end, we were whisked up to the VIP floor. Like a five star hotel in a hospital.

One for my team!