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OTD in 2009

I made my first announcement to my closest friends that I was #trans. It was on a social media site known as LiveJournal, which many of you have likely never heard of. I migrated off of that site years ago. You can see that post now on my blog at . It's no longer locked.

Barbara and I had discussed me making that post in advance, and she was supportive. This was my first attempt at transition. Then in August of 2009, she went back into the hospital, and I detransitioned to be able to care for her. Back then, we feared I wouldn't be able to be with her as Janet. After she passed in 2010, I grieved for a long time. Then I restarted transition and have lived as Janet since.

#transgender #MyStory #TimeFlies

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in reply to Bob Lai

That's one I'm not familiar with. Are you also familiar with InsaneJournal? I mirrored LiveJournal over there after the Russian take-over of LiveJournal.
in reply to Janet Logan (Friendica)

No, I'd briefly been on LJ - not long enough to have significant history.