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I had a day yesterday. Stressful, but I seem to be okay. They sent me home from the ER, so I was not admitted. (Prolonged #Afib episode with symptoms)

Now that the stress of that day is over? Of course, I have a #MigraineWithAura starting. I took two Extra Strength Tylenol. Pain may (or may not) arrive later.

I realized long ago that relief of stress (for me) is a #migraine trigger. Taking something during the aura will usually stave off the pain.

@spoonies group


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On being a spoonie, and life in IT

I was up until 1am this morning, handling a customer data recovery issue. I slept until just past 8am (with about an hour total of intermittent wakefulness). I’m really short of spoons today. Just a shower and getting dressed took everything I had. So today will likely be a “do nothing” kind of day.

#spoonie #SpoonieLife #ITLife

@spoonies group

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Domestic Violence

"In case you haven’t heard, here’s the headline. I was assaulted by my (now ex) roommate this past Friday. She was arrested and is currently residing in the local jail. I am recovering physically."


#Abuse #DomesticViolence #trans #transgender #ActuallyAutistic #spoonie