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Okay #Fediverse, let’s get something straight. We are all grown ups here (hopefully) and can make choices for ourselves. We alive in a society that allows us the freedom to choose for ourselves what to do.

Why would you allow or want to be part of an instance where they choose for you who or what to block? I understand that there are BAD people on #Meta, just as there are on EVERY platform on the internet.

Give the regular people on each platform a chance to been seen.


in reply to Kyle Reddoch

"Why have moderators" is a question that was asked and answered decades ago, yes?

Sally Strange reshared this.

in reply to Sally Strange

@SallyStrange The Nazi’s were defeated decades ago, no?

Dictatorships proved to be the worst, no?

in reply to Sally Strange

@SallyStrange This issues isn’t about moderation. Blocking an entire platform isn’t moderating at all. That’s just sweeping the issue under the rug.
in reply to Kyle Reddoch

Semantics. The answer to the question "Why would you allow or want to be part of an instance where they choose for you who or what to block?" is the same answer as to the question "Why have moderators?"

Something tells me you're still confused about why we have moderators, though.

I'm also skeptical that you can explain clearly what issue gets swept under the rug if multiple instances don't federate with Mark Zuckerberg's platform. Please prove my skepticism unfounded.

in reply to Sally Strange

@SallyStrange I understand why we have moderators...I have been a moderator for years. Moderate a Discord server, etc. What I am saying is...sit down and follow along now, that if we just sit back going around blocking entire instances, etc. What is the point of moderating at all? We are just stopping stuff at the top level?

Now I understand that some users wouldn't want to start with housekeeping (blocking their own), but keeping accounts that aren't bad from being seen is DUMB.

in reply to Kyle Reddoch

"Sit back and follow along now"

Gosh, if your case is so airtight and common sensical, why the need for condescension?

"I understand that some users wouldn't want to start with housekeeping (blocking their own)"

That's why we have moderators! Good job. Some people don't WANT to be responsible for sorting the good from the bad when amongst "the bad" are accounts like Libs of Tik Tok which can severely disrupt a person's life, at minimum.

"keeping accounts that aren't bad from being seen is DUMB"

If they're really not that bad then let them open an account on a non-corporate platform that doesn't also host literal Nazis!

in reply to Sally Strange

@SallyStrange Condensation? One to speak huh?

All I was saying is, we can make our own choices, we are grown-ups. Why have someone make choices for us?

End of point!

in reply to Kyle Reddoch

Shitty point. "Why have someone make choices for us?" Because our time on earth is limited.
in reply to Kyle Reddoch

@Kyle Reddoch :device_mbp: @Sally Strange If an instance wants to block meta, it will draw people who don't want to deal with things like harassment from trolls on meta. I know people who don't want the abuse. As a white dude I don't face the same abuse levels so will be on a federated site with meta but I judge no one who takes an undue level of abuse just because of their demographics
in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 @SallyStrange As will instances that do not want to.

I sympathize with people who face abuse based on different demographics, it is uncalled for!

in reply to Kyle Reddoch


hey captain dickface, if you're concerned about nazis, i'm sure Threads is full of them.

but you're not really concerned about nazis

and that's why you're part of the problem.

in reply to Inken Paper 🇵🇸

@crashglasshouses @SallyStrange Going back to my post. There are BAD people on EVERY platform. Threads, Mastodon, X, etc. Your post is case in point.
in reply to Melissa Archer :renamon:

@renabot yes, this is astoundingly common among the defenders of Facebook federation: comparing admins taking moderation decisions to dictators or authoritarians or nazis.

Apparently forcing a user to migrate or make an alt in order to talk to #Threads is a lot like systematic mass murder and eugenics.

They say this, and wonder why people take offense lol

in reply to Sally Strange

@SallyStrange What is it with dumbass white techbros thinking that "stopping capitalism from swallowing everything" is equivalent to nazism? Did their parents never tell them 'no,' is that it?

I mean obviously part of it is that white dudes always expect to get everything they want, white entitlement is A Thing, and I don't know why we would expect this opinion to NOT extend into "I have the RIGHT to bring this visibly salivating lion into the room."

Sally Strange reshared this.

in reply to Sally Strange

@SallyStrange @renabot the first and only time I have ever been called a "Nazi" was when I was moderating a forum... in 1999, so that tracks. 😂
in reply to Sally Strange

@SallyStrange @renabot Just to be clear…I’m not defending Meta as a company. I totally agree with the consensus of the bad they do. I’m simply advocating for the good users that are on the platforms.
in reply to Kyle Reddoch

@renabot I don't think it's possible to say "yeah the platform is bad but some people on it are nice" without implicitly defending the platform. I mean, think about it: nobody said that every FB user is personally evil. So what IS the point of arguing against that straw man?
in reply to Kyle Reddoch

@Kyle Reddoch :device_mbp: Twitter API used to allow mirroring your account both ways and no one viewed that as a sell out move. Though it was killed not long after the Twitter migration but Zuck. When people realize joining the fediverse doesn't mean losing their other friends and having a ready made friends base, They will be much more likely to try out the fediverse. If meta, bluesky and Tumblr are all federated none of them will have the power to cause serious damage to the fediverse it will only make the fediverse more appealing as that's where all the ethical people are.
Unknown parent

Sally Strange
@moose And that's fine for you, but let me ask: do you live in constant fear that someone like Libs of Tik Tok will find your social media, connect it to your IRL name, and try to get you fired?
Unknown parent

Sally Strange

@moose you don't know what Libs of Tik Tok is? Then you are missing a great deal of context as to why some people regard the presence of Threads on the fediverse as an unacceptable threat

Unknown parent

Sally Strange

1. Yes, and it's also up to admins to block entire instances when appropriate. My admins exercise this ability often and it improves my experience on the Fediverse. There's a whole universe of nazi instances out there. I assume they will federate with Threads...

2. I can't quantify exactly how much my risk of being exposed for being queer is increased by Chaya Raichik theoretically being able to directly interact with my posts. Do you need a number to accept that it's a risk I don't want to take?

Overall I am not concerned with "the ecosystem." I think it will probably be fine either way, but that federation with Facebook products increases the chances of commercialization killing the ecosystem. I don't see how not having what's already not here counts as "damage."

Your perception of protections being in place is different from other people, and my main point is that those calling Fedipact signers, essentially, big babies who want mommy and daddy to block everything for them, are basically being assholes to the more vulnerable amongst us. Bigots at worst.

Unknown parent

Sally Strange
@moose Thanks. that's really all I'm asking for, is for those who are eager for federation to honestly acknowledge the concerns those who are against it have. Without that, we can't have a discussion! It's just insults and sniping, which, as fun as those are sometimes, don't get us anywhere.
in reply to Sally Strange

@SallyStrange @moose I was never calling people names or whiners. I totally get the understanding behind the targeting because of one’s personal beliefs, ways of life, vulnerabilities, etc. Taking those into consideration is most important for sure.

All I was saying is that, each one of us has the freedom of making our own choice. Just because we have differences of options doesn’t make us any more right or wrong. We just see things differently. Appreciate your input.

in reply to Kyle Reddoch

@moose yup, again, nobody was saying that we shouldn't be free to make our own choices. But thanks for listening.
Unknown parent

Matthew Loxton

If you don't want the admin of the Mastodon server you are on to block Threads, then you can:
1. engage in a discussion with them
2. move to a different Mastodon server that does allow Threads
3. if being on Threads or Birdchan is not to your liking, then why is that? Why do you not wish to be there, but wishthem to be here?
4. if you are unaware of Libs of TikTok and similar groups and their habits, maybe go find out before before you criticize admin for blocking Threads


Unknown parent

Matthew Loxton

Ok, let's dig a bit on #3
Having Threads connected to your instance of Mastodon, is to allow Meta to mine everything people on that Mastodon instance post, including "private" messages. It let's them suck up all those posts, use them to rain their AI, match them to other data to try figure out who you are and how to sell stuff to you, and they will also package that connected data to people like Cambridge Analytica, who will use it to fuck with your voting.


in reply to Matthew Loxton

#4. This is not collective punishment. It is your admin making a choice on what the server connects to. If you don't like their choice, there are hundreds of other servers. I am on a medical instance, and tbh, if the admin decided that med-mastodon was not going to allow Threads, then I can either chat with them about that, give their decision a nod, or move to another Masto instance. I'm not paying the rent on that server, so the admin gets to choose


Unknown parent

Sally Strange
@moose @mloxton collective punishment is what Israel is doing to Gaza right now. I get why you don't like the idea, but please find different language to talk about this, we really are not discussing war crimes