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From B.M.: "Posted the full piece on YouTube. Sort of a "day in the life of" segment with organizer of "protests" at Kerem Shalom Crossing, where they block aid to Gaza.
Disgusting piece, on public broadcast, romanticizing pro-starvation, government-backed, protests."

The full segment from a Channel 11 program:

#Israel #Palestine #aid #genocide @palestine

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in reply to Dendan Setia (Nins)

Clarissa Ward also did a report on a particular group of protesters but showed and reported on Israeli police wrangling them against their efforts at that particular point and when they tried to go to a different location.

palestine group reshared this.

in reply to Clara Listensprechen

@claralistensprechen3rd tellingly they're still around tho, which seems to tell me, just like the other local v international coverage, that wasn't for the non-domestic audience