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Tech press giving Bluesky the same treatment they gave Mastodon/fediverse after covering it in a positive light for ten minutes back in 2022. So fucking predictable. I'm not pleased with Bluesky sucking up all the decentralized social media oxygen these past several months. I mean AP fediverse didn't even get a mention in this article at all. But the "oh well I guess we just have to keep kissing Musk's ass and use Twitter" coverage is bullshit too. Ironically one of their complaints was a same one they had about Mastodon: not enough virality of shitposting content and doomscrolling. Yes, that's what the world needs :eyeroll:. Ironically they also complained that Bluesky is too much like the UX people are used to on Twitter so too boring. Meanwhile that's the opposite of their complaint about Mastodon which was just way too confusing to figure out...or something. I guess their Goldilocks zone for social media is Twitter, Tik-Tok, and Facebook/Instagram. How original Wired magazine. How very fucking original. #rant #fediverse #BigTechShouldNotExist
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Tired: Wired.
Wired: just about any other tech journal
in reply to Hank G ☑️

Yeah I can't even with tech press anymore.

The reason the Fediverse doesn't get more attention in the tech press is dead-simple: nobody owns it.

That might not matter when it comes to more technical FOSS projects, but it's apparently ALL that matters when it comes to social media.

Someone rich and famous must own the social media, or it can't possibly be worth a plugged nickel.

in reply to Wordsmurf of Mouthshire :emacs: 🍄

@notroot This is exactly that. Most of the tech press feels it needs to kiss some tech bro's ass (possibly a billionaire) to be relevant. And probably hopes for something in return.
If there is no charismatic leader, the tool is worthless to them.
It was obvious with Mastodon, but it's even more so with BlueSky. It was the future of social media when it was for a happy few and Dorsey was around. Now he's gone, it's becoming decentralized, so it's worthless too for them.
in reply to David

I don't know any very wealthy people, so I couldn't say. I've had my brushes like joking with Julia Roberts or trying to sell art to Dennis Hopper but yeah... mostly just a person doing a something like everyone in all these general terms.

Now even when we talk about ourselves to people in our "community" it's disconnected, entirely, by a digital divide.

This divide. What we're doing, now.

Personally, I foresee an analog reaction to the over digitization of fucking existence.

Art carries weight. And art immortalizes.