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can anyone explain to me why I’m so dang emotionally invested in the success of the fediverse?
in reply to malena

I think I can only answer from my own perspective and not yours, but for me it's another thing in the list of technology "platforms" (overused, sorry) which allow for sovereignty in a digital context
in reply to malena

I’ve helped start a server, I try to respond to everyone who posts on our server so they feel welcome, i truffle hunt constantly for people and posts to lift up and share, I really try to amplify under-represented voices and address Fedi’s serious cultural problems through dialogue and solidarity etc — you guys why do I care this much about a website

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in reply to malena

Trying to subvert a dystopic future? I hope you keep at it.
in reply to malena

I think what keeps me here and maybe what helps invest you is that it really feels like the internet without the suffocating commercialism of so much of the rest of it. It's people with their interesting, dorky hobbies (which I love) and oddball thoughts and weird community. Warts and all, limitations and all, it's an experiment worth fighting for.
in reply to Zeb Larson

Thinking it through too, it's honestly nice to also feel like I have a corner of the internet where the stakes are low. I don't produce "content" here; I don't give a shit how many likes or boosts something gets. (Ironically, my published pieces tend to do well here). The best way to converse with people is just saying something, not replying to the big accounts and hoping you get picked up.

And the discoverability functionality is actually good here.

in reply to Zeb Larson

I can't even see or leave likes in my corner/view of the Fediverse. Took me a while to get used to it. Now I love it. It definitely encourages me to engage more.


in reply to malena

because this feels like what LiveJournal was like around 2004-2007?
in reply to malena

I give myself permission to like what I like. I like normal people who say interesting things. I generally avoid accounts that have lots of followers unless they interact with me. No viral garbage, no outrage, no influencers, no bots, no news outlets. If I can think of the person as a neighbor that's a plus.
in reply to malena

Look at your description of everything you do. Helping start a server is the only quasi-technical action, but that's just table stakes for hosting the rest. All the other behaviors are working with people to foster the style of social interaction you want.

As others keep saying, what you're caring FOR is the community you're building. (Affordances on that website are just a means to that end which happen to work well enough to keep at it.)

in reply to malena

You've developed community here? Same reason people get emotionally invested in all social media platforms and physical spaces, they're also emotional spaces.
in reply to malena

@malena I've been wanting the #fediverse place to succeed for years 5 years prior to the twitter migration. My biggest driver was I was sick and tired of the evil that for-profit social media produces. #Zuck alone is responsible for the rise of 5 fascist leaders and 2 genocides. I was tired of them creating something based on community and connections and once they went public, killing all those things and slowly replacing it with showing ads and content in your face and making it impossible to see anything people you actually followed had to say. The people I follow and interact with now are the same as #myspace and #facebook before they went public, a league of extraordinary nobodies with genuine posts and not one's being as cheap, vapid and shallow as they have to be to appease the now non-existent algorithm to get famous or have "cred". Everyone is being their genuine awkward selves here. No one is hyper polished to the point of faking it. That creates vulnerability that makes real community thrive
Unknown parent

@malena Not to mention, when people package themselves like that, people only see ones best, often fake or aspirational self. They translate that as real and then compare themselves to those fake people's success and happiness leading to or compounding depression. Just like how all models are airbrushed so the beauty standard set is unachievable by literally anyone, curated social media does the same for your entire life.

GoodNewsGreyShoes🔞 reshared this.

in reply to malena

To me it's because it is an experiment of managing the commons, in finding a way to deal with others when the rules don't come from above.
in reply to malena

Because you've rejected the hero narrative in favour of the collective narrative for how to make the world work, and this is what's emerging? :)
in reply to malena

What you described is how I was as email evolved. I ran a BBS and linked email into it when it became possible. I believed it was important for people to talk to each other independent of platforms like AOL and Compuserve.

Fediverse offers what is a basic human need, like email, without corporations being able to manage/profit from it. Viva la revolution!

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to malena

because everything else is a corporate hell-hole?
Unknown parent

Paul Rohr
Thx for setting such a public example of how it's done. 😉